by KYW's John McDevitt
Many people are having a shake with lunch these days in Love Park -- and losing weight while doing so!
Every Wednesday afternoon, workers -- many in suits and dresses -- plus tourists and area residents participate in lunchtime line-dancing in the park at 16th and JFK Boulevard.
(Woman #1:) "I lost 20 pounds."
(McDevitt:) "Twenty pounds? Just by doing line dancing?"
(Woman #1:) "Just line dancing alone."
(McDevitt:) "Do you come here on your lunch break?"
(Woman #2:) "Yes, I save up all my lunch time -- don't go to lunch any other time of the week but today."
(Man:) "I'm here to do it all -- lose weight, have fun, meet people."
And the class, called "Joettics," is led by Joette Wood-Patrick (in center of top photo), who says she's been volunteering her time for four seasons so far:
For full story go to: http://www.kyw1060.com/