Powell Funeral Home, Phila., PA
I read with trepidation the Friday, August 28, 2009 Philadelphia Daily News article this morning. I am not in sync with your comments about there being more fuel than fire. I agree that Jerry Mondesire, NAACP head is a camera hog. I further agree that he knows how to get media attention and that there's little substantial work done to satisfy his purpose. In my opinion, He rarely knows his mission, but he gets the call to speak for the community. He, by the way is rarely ask by the community to represent community concerns. He heads an organization that is nearly defunct.
The missing piece in your article and in the statements not rendered by Mondesire is, radio. Media and the public are more directed by talk radio than the actual processes of the activities that the hosts and listeners discuss.
The Mike Vick saga has been fueled by them and they have fueled print media. Many of the hosts who have access to radio tend to speak and report their personal feelings. They get responses from those who think like them. The numbers of callers don't jell with public opinion. I listened to 950 Am after the game last night. The host, nameless for me, stated his surprise at how the fans welcomed Vick upon his entry into the game. He further stated that he expected boos and more protesters. He further stated that he was shocked at the positive response. That talk continued throughout his show. His callers continued the diatribe.

Michael Vick
Sports talk radio listenership is huge. That community includes the voiceless. Jerry missed that. Secaree Rhoads, the actual organizer of supporters initiated the attempt to fill the void for the voiceless. It was she who sat for hours until well after the game and well after the cameras were gone. It was she who engaged the fans of all races about wanting Vick to be welcomed to Philadelphia for his rebirth and to have those fans sign a banner of support as a gift to the Eagles new quarterback, not Mondesire.
Mondesire wasn't prepared for the press. Mondesire however was selected by the media as the go to person. That's not Jerry's fault. The media needs to know that their are others to go to. The media chooses its spokespersons, not the public.
Janet Powell
WNWR 1540 am Monday 2-4 pm