Janet Powell
“What’s going on”?, is the question that mesmerized millions of citizens who felt the question but had no vehicle to express it? Marvin Gaye did. Not only did the lyrics mirror our thoughts, Marvin allowed us feelings of normalcy.
Here we go, again. Sadly or not there still is no ear listening to the question. There was, at that time, no semblance of efforts made to alter or solve some very critical concerns of the citizenry. Since the time that those words were sung, conditions from those times have swirled up more issues and situations for questioning. The question today is beyond apropos. But, what should not continue is the “Oh Well!” syndrome. You know that statement is always followed by a sigh. Hey, if we don’t stop sighing and oh welling, there will be little left to sigh about.
We still watch deaths from an undeclared war, floods with citizens dismembered from their land and referred to as refugees, the election of a president whose citizenship status and religious selection was used to blanket the truths behind the clatter. Deaths and killings of all manner and means are news worthy. Planes go down as bad air is up. Border drug wars are with a country and people the US divorced without any means of support. Stocks and banks take homes and cars and jobs from citizens to other countries. Neither the US nor those who grew or picked cotton, own it. Tobacco is not produced in its original form. Racists’ views are expressed to accommodate feelings of powerlessness. Obvious racist’s feelings determine court decisions. Class equates to good sense. I.e. Bernie Madoff. Farmers can’t grow but we eat from false environments. We eat cows that emit gases into the atmosphere. We eat chickens with hormones. The legal system supports the mass entry of men of color into prisons. Our children are not educated because of disgraceful, a partied education systems. There are no sustainable means to put citizens to work through industrial innovations. Missing still are means to enhance the environment. Properties are confiscated, deeded land is squatted on and all made legal by those who write the laws and get them legalized. Proficient political embezzlers have Washington and Jefferson as exceptional role models.
The so-called minority population has taxation without representation. Question with regards to the minority designation is, “Who is the minority population?” We’ve been miss educated to not know that all people of color from Haiti to India to Spain and all in-between were enslaved on the plantations. So, the true designation would change the minority paradigm.
There are more US young men of color dead from violent acts, than all US soldiers who’ve died in the current war. Epidemics have no known impetus until research and study finds cures. It is time to demand a cure.
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were brilliant and proficient men. They were well enough educated to use language on those who were ill prepared for the treachery presented. Treaties and declarations, bills and laws were written in King’s English. Natives in the US had no written language. They trusted interpreters who were paid to leave out ending paragraphs that often misrepresented the intent to share knowledge and to never place them in bondage. They, the insurgents knew and created land laws. Marriage and fatherhood was the means to ownership of both the land and the property on it. The resources were those of color living on the land. The revolutionists created the bills and laws to satisfy the aristocracy, not the original land owners, their land, resources or their person. Within years US slavery began.
I don’t see much of a difference today compared to the days of colonization. The prison population is the new plantation. The system of living in the, ‘hood”, promotes that entry. During the conversion, hood economy sustains those who live outside the hood. Doctors, lawyers, immigrant shop keepers, law enforcement, the state, pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs and guns are all worth the big bucks. Even journalists focus their attention on blight. They always remind us about the holes when there are plenty who represent the best that their determination and brilliance could produce. Newscasters in general report for ratings not for knowledge. That is a real tragedy of journalism systems. Not only are systems and the powerful receiving benefits from all named, there is still the continuing desire to eliminate the true owners of the land. Currently the original US land descendants are confined to prison walls and city zones. There is also the new ethnic identification of African-American. The land owning Negro of Native descent, will find difficulty claiming ownership of tribal sanctioned land to non native or the re-designated Negro.
New Orleans Natives are considered refugees. Large numbers have been systematically removed from land that they own that the US government wants to own. There is land there that was not sold to the US during the Louisiana Purchase.
Challenges continue but we now have eyes to see and ears to hear. There are great sites available for research. It is time to get the question answered. It is time we the citizens demand solutions for the concerns that statistically can’t be argued. It is time to be lawful not emotional. Past pains are real but the future depends on demanding lawful solutions to current racially demeaning situations. It is time to not accept a personality to run for local offices. We must make selections based on the missions at hand. They must be passionate about altering those negative conditions that will annihilate an entire collective of residents whose birth rites are being compromised. The solutions demanded will enhance the lives of all citizens. As long as we claim it, vote about it and pay with blood, sweat and tears, our representatives are to represent all of the people. Until they do, we will continue to ask the question.”What’s Going On?”
Janet Powell
janetshouse.tv radio
Monday 2-4 PM 1540 AM WNWR.com Live call-in’s 610-667-9697