Mary Jones

Life has what is called “its ups and downs”. Within the “ups” and “downs” there are a lot of twists and turns that people take. Life can be very rocky for many, but it is definitely bumpy for all. How you view these bumps, ups, and downs are important. That determines the twists and turns that you take in life. You can make light of them or you can take every experience as a major catastrophe. You may even have a middle ground on how you view your life’s experiences. But I submit to you that you take each bump, each down that you are in, or the up that you are experiencing as a vehicle for life.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines vehicle as “A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished”. Sometimes the bumps in the road of life are life speed bumps put there to help you to become accomplished. This is a vehicle to slow you down. It causes you to slow down enough, hoping that you will take a look at what you are doing or not doing. The speed bump gives you an opportunity to take an objective look at your life and make the necessary change in direction or to make sure that you are still on course towards your purpose. If you ignore the process of getting over the speed bump you may take a twist in your life that could bring you to a roadblock.
I know that we are not vehicles and our lives are not one big speed bump, but stick with the analogy, it makes sense. While you are reading this article think about your own bumps, ups, or downs. Even look at the process you took to get over the life speed bump. Look at where you are right now! Let this article be a speed bump for you and allow the process of the speed bump run its course. Allow yourself to pause and slow down to take a look at what you are doing, your motive for doing it, and what will be the outcome. You can take the bump, whether it is an up or down in your life and avoid making a twist in your life. The speed bumps don’t always feel good nor do you always like them, but they are designed to make you stronger and they help you to make better decisions in life. Don’t go around the speed bump because you don’t like it; you may run into a roadblock.
I know of one book in the world that is a manual for life and it speaks of all of the ups, downs, twists, turns, speed bumps, and even rocky roads. It will show you the roadblocks before you get there and lead you to the street called Straight. (Acts 9:11) On this street one will be sent to help you to receive sight to see the speed bumps or the roadblocks ahead. Getting here to the street called Straight will lead you to the gate that is strait (narrow from obstacles) where few find it. But I tell you, whoever finds it will get to the main highway where it will lead them to life. This way is narrow, but you will get there. That book is the Holy Bible.
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13-14
Reverend Mary A. Jones