by Van Stone (610) 931-8810

Anniversary Court Abuse & Voting Abuse Survivor Kid Models.
Tony, left, Bronson, middle, and Brahleah, right, are children
of parents happy to have learned all about the Community Family
Issues (CFI), religion, loss, and safety first classes in West
Philadelphia. The Community Family Issues Free Screenings -many
diseases can be detected early and cured long before any symptoms
develop, through routine screenings - are conducted by CFI at
University Square, 3901 Market St. weekdays for University City area
It was five years ago last September you may recall his story. He lost 4 family members, survived two wrongful imprisonments, survived several violations of his Constitutional Rights, and weighed barely 190 pounds when his mother tried to bail him out of George Hill Correctional Facility, known as the Delaware County Prison, in 2004.
His sudden loss did not mean that 4 family members had suffered death. While in prison he had lost the right of any physical contact with them. So, once out of prison he moved as close as he could to them just 5 neighborhood blocks. Still he never saw them once. Imagine the grief of loss due to the poor soul, a caring dad, not being able to phone, write, set eyes on them, or as much as speak to 4 children who he was raising as a single parent. And when this had occurred the oldest 2 kids, his nieces hadn’t turned 12 years old yet. Most difficult to live with was that then the youngest 2 kids, girl age 6 and boy age 2, he fathered. The babies were taken away from him first of all just because the courts had determined he became a measly threat to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Secondly it was discovered that he had not voted since he became old enough to vote. And third because the arrogance of a judge means that any form of judge can do to children and youth whatever they want. So, positive parents and youth needed discussion about this.
The Community Family Issues, a discussion group, was form by that dad, West Philadelphia native, Sam Downing, in 2004 to help youth and adults talk about the alleged discriminatory practices and illegal use of the Pennsylvania State Bench to wrongfully imprison. Fathers and minorities who are dads experience violations of their Constitutional Rights, of particular their children and their families. These violations end in trauma to children who end up not being able to know who their fathers are or find it almost impossible to reunite with their dads due to not understanding parenting.
Downing has been one of the most documented survivors of recent abuses by both the Jehovah’s Witnesses court process and the Commonwealth of PA Family Court process known to Philadelphia County and Delaware County residents. It’s because of Downing’s local writings about how injustice and lawlessness do prevail in religion, law suits, and voting that has brought the matter of children living without family on the rise to the attention of city council, state representatives and even foster care leaders. For example “Both the JW’s judges and the Family Court judges have authority to make decisions on the lives of parents which 90% of their judgments end in universal traumatizing punishment of children,“ says Downing when speaking to groups about abuse. As a result kids end up being locked out of parents lives and onto the streets.
During discussion meetings Downing speaks with youth and parents helping them to understand the blaming of the state legal system is not the answer. JW’s Elder‘s effort to cover-up the ongoing embarrassment of behavior and safety problems are manipulated under the Church’s friendly guise of its Judicial Tribunal decisions called Disfellowshipping. In the family court judges use decisions called the Presumption of Guilt. “Both authorities have low-visibility with crushing powers so that even lawyers can’t help kids.”
Ultimately, Downing’s group sessions helps youth and parents to understand that many parents are detained, misjudged or otherwise easily abused harming kids in the cross because the youth and the adults are known not to have participated as voter registrants.
In many cases of abuse such as this, the harassment and trauma they endure is outside the voting process. “Caring elected officials and foster care leaders find it frustrating when trying to prove the judges and the elders have abused the law in broad daylight,” he says.
But the Community Family Issues, a discussion group meetings are helping to make things somewhat better for adults and youth who are old enough to register to vote.
A Philadelphia County and Delaware County spotlight on court abused children has forced some candidates during the November elections to consider victims who can not sue for their rights. Anyone interested in discussion about family issues may visit the University Square, 3901 Market St. weekdays or call (215) 416-0862 for