By Van Stone (610) 931-8810

Van Stone, Founder of VSP Foundation.
It has historically helped to improve
intercultural and culturally appropriate
services in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
My Van Stone Productions Foundation’s (VSP) Risk and Safety Watch charities of Philadelphia would have you know that is not just a youth service. We provide job training and a host of support services to youth and adults with barriers to employment, so they can become self-sufficient. Our volunteers and donations support each training and support program provided by VSP of Philadelphia. Youth along with VSP radio, newspaper and newsletters send out risk and safety information to prepare people for jobs in the fields of protecting and guarding the community.
Like other nonprofits that take a holistic approach to fulfilling their mission, VSP risk and safety watch, a club that positive youth can join, puts out watches and warnings. These warn people about dangers in the neighborhood, school, and home.
Whether they club for their own neighborhood or at retail stores, employment agencies, or environmental business services, Stone’s club members get more than jobs – they get the support they need to succeed. If you lack education, we work with personal care assistants to get you to a job. If you have kids that are interested in learning about dangers that could happen where you live we can help.
In recent years, the economy has put even more pressure on job hunters, underscoring the need for VSP Foundation services. We need to serve more than 5,000 youth and adults just in West Philly this coming year alone.
But with the start of the holiday giving season, we're building more programs around the holiday season starting with Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is children’s biggest time of the year.
Children and youth should enjoy becoming members of a club like Risk-N-Safety Watch. Youth collect risk and safety watch reports. Youth are members of a risk and safety watch, a "hunters" club that goes on collecting trips. Youth have different ways of collecting their special kinds of risk/safety watching data.
We're trying to get the word out – there are a lot of different ways to get involved with doing good in your neighborhood. You can encourage everyone to listen to risk and safety reports. Youth can teach that anyone who hears a warning should take action to stay safe. And youth can help explain why a watch means that a danger could happen where you live. A warning means that a danger is already in or near your neighborhood, school, or home.
My risk and safety watch program will include teens who have dropped out of school and children who actually attend school for these children, when school is not in session. Out of school time activities may include academic enrichment, sports, arts and crafts, career training, and community service. And goals such as high school graduation, GED, employability, character development, and ceasing risky behaviors will be reached for too.
Families who are looking to improve things for themselves right after the holidays like buying a book or two online about self-help, or finding that job opening can look up Stone’s foundation to help them mix things up to provide helpful information on implementing out-of-school time activities.
To learn more about the Risk-N-Safety Watch club at the VSP center and the lessons listed above, please contact the program director at (610) 931-8810.