by Van Stone (215) 747-8746
Above: Olaudah Equiano, also known as Gustavus Vassa, is one of the living blacks that worked to help students of American History know that Africans coming to the making of America spoke jabber is a Myth. Blacks were Kings and Queens of territory in the African Empire as equal to Kings of England in the British Empire. He fought hard along side true freedom fighters for women, the Jewish, the Islamic, and the Christian to have the opportunity to become President of the United States of America in Continental Congress. Shortly a new branch of government for the U.S.A. President was written to prevent Olaudah's work.
I read an article once where basically the writer was looking for the simple way to get talk about America's original beginning straight. The straight story of America would mean, telling its history about whites and blacks, Islamic, Christianity, and Judaism, which either were the true first Presidents, Congress, and makers of a banner year for state independence or should have been. American History is its religion, ethnology (nationality or territory), and race pre-time period and post-time period that became the making of America. Somewhere during the American Revolution positive -women, both white and black, and blacks and the English were the true bold people that made it all possible to achieve. Positive forefathers-race was African, Irish, Swedish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portugal, Danish, Italian, and Native American making the American experience. You have touched England soil through their spiritual person. As far as the majority goes, in England all men were measured as 100% men, all women were measured as 100% leaders and no man or woman that set foot on England territory were measured as slaves.
So, if you were a slave anywhere in the world and you somehow reached England by force or an assignment from the slave owner you were free. This law was transferred throughout the ages from Africa, to Rome, to England, and eventually to the making of America. But like other Empires it would take hundreds of years for the United States of America in the U.S. Constitution empowerment to be free of slavery and unfair measurements of all humankind. And across America we need to get this straight.
In America 2008, we see Barack Obama, a black man, Hillary Clinton, a white woman and John McCain, a white man, running for President of the United States of America. But, there was a time when all of these folks just mentioned above could have ran for President of the United States of America in Continental Congress. Do you see what's missing in the first reference to our America, the land of the free? Yeah. The two words, in, and Congress. Two words made all the difference in the world between real intentions of freedom and hope of freedom. The first United States of America was really about and for men, women and children and their equal rights all together.
There were 13 colonies that were a part of the British Empire territory fighting mad about women abuse, slavery and religious intolerance. The second addition of the United States of American, less the in Continental Congress was really about and for religion tolerance and nationality. We the people of the U.S.A. are a republic government that allows without hindrance and/or permit a non-understanding attitude toward persons whose beliefs, race, nationality, etc., differ from one's own. So, if a woman would have desired to be in Congress or the President of the United States in Continental Congress it would or could has happened. But not in the United States of America. No woman has been President of the U.S.A. No Islamic has been President of the U.S.A. This shows that woman fought for rights that were not meant to last in the United States of America.
Women and Slavery, Islam and Slavery are so closely related as to their own views in the 1700's that it's no wonder these two groups are hardly mentioned in the United States Constitution. Therefore, if we are going to tell the history of America straight, one starting point should be where it all began. So, it started from a place called Africa. In 1745 America had whom therein? England, the Spanish Empire and African nobles.
Olaudah Equiano, a black man, also known as Gustavus Vassa, lived to tell the making of America straight. He proved that blacks spoke the languages: English, African, Spanish, and French right out of Africa and not because slavery was involved. He showed how Africans coming to America speaking jabber is a Myth. Also, The Hispanic Empire ruled America at the start. Islam was plenty throughout the Americas and Portugal at the start. England was the most gentle in its day toward guarding the decision that women and men are altogether human beings at the start. And at the same moment in time the great exodus of a 500 Nations crowd from an African territory close enough to Canada right across into America happened, by both boat (the Spanish word was "canoa"; Native Americans and the British called it canoe), and walking. How should we feel after an adjustment like this? There are some who feel no different after a Black History moment.