Don’t Count Rep Blackwell Out In ’08 Just Yet.
Don’t Count Rep Blackwell Out In ’08 Just Yet.
by Van Stone (215) 747-8746
Thomas W. Blackwell (Democrat)
Philadelphia County (Part)
Above: Tracey Lofton Stone Downing Walker, former candidate for Philadelphia Traffic Court Judge. Downing and fellow West Philadelphia constituents of Thomas Blackwell,state Rep. 190th District, are crying possible foul play in recent court decision to order Rep. Blackwell off Democratic primary. Many wonder what choice is there? Like other great political leaders in the past, Blackwell could write his own historic legacy if it's legal to change parties, defy a Judge, win the seat, and then change back to the candidates former party altogether in the same election period. Stone investigates for change.
I got the 1st and 2nd call about State Rep. Tommy Blackwell. It was call # 2 that lead me to write about supporters of Rep. Blackwell and his work. Tracey Lofton Stone Downing Walker, former Philly candidate for Traffic Court Judge, was the second caller who wanted to know my understanding of how she is proposing to keep Rep. Blackwell in the ’08 race for 190th Legislative District House of Representatives PA seat. “Everyone is so upset about it. But I think I can file as an Independent, get my signatures, sign T. Blackwell’s name as successor, you know, the place where it says in case, I resign, “ Stone Downing said. ‘Uh, what’s going on? Who’s upset about what,’ I asked. “Wait let me finish,” Tracey says. “And when I win, I know I can win against Democratic, Vanessa Brown, -I’ll resign on purpose, and get Blackwell the seat as the Rep, “ she said. Before I could get an answer to my question, about who’s Brown and why are you talking about getting incumbent Blackwell the seat, Walker turned the whole thing into what I always know what this type of phone call is gonna be. A can you help me phone call. “Can you help us? Because they’re trying to take Blackwell out,” she said.
Just in case you didn’t know, Van Stone, I am the Icon; always get calls from good neighbors, friends, and good complete strangers too, asking me will I help them? Everyone knows one thing is for sure about me. If you’re asking for my assistance, and the matter at hand is something that I can take an independent position on, mostly likely, I want to know, what do you think you need? I’m about it. But first here’s news.
State Rep. Blackwell was ordered off the Democratic primary ballot on Tuesday, March 18, by Judge Bonnie Leadbetter. Judge Leadbetter ruled that Blackwell had fallen short of the 300 voter signatures he needed to be in the primary. Leadbetter’s decision was that all signatures on particular pages were no good. According to the Judge, the handwriting looked the same. If the higher judge dealing with these things holds the decision, Vanessa L. Brown will be the sole Democrat on the ballot and will win by no competition. So, far there is only 1 Republican challenger for the Rep seat. And if this remains the case, Brown, will most likely win based on percentage of Democratic registered voters compared to registered Republicans living in that district. But wait! Don’t trip yet.
If you are a new reader of the Scoop here, you’re probably wondering why would Van Stone get the call about Judges and politics. Well, I’m pretty much a specialist in dealing with predatory justices and social politics. What I mean is, a predatory justice is the same as predatory lenders but having a different theme. I don’t know much about professional politicians I’ll admit, so don’t ask for my help on that kind of thing. But, in the case of Rep Blackwell, this is a social political issue. Both issues here are easy for me to look at.
To be clear, this is not a case of Judge Leadbetter being a concrete predator dealing with the courts. But, there is the strong question of timing and unfairness involved in this ruling to stop the political success for the betterment of the community involved with Rep. Blackwell’s great name. If you ever been to the Rep. Blackwell’s offices serving West Philly and North Philly, you will always find them to be in physical and paperwork clean order. And the office staff are very inviting pretty much, willing to get on the phone and call whomever if you have a situation or need quick info. A signature on a ballot is the last thing that should have been an issue for Blackwell. Rep. Blackwell is extremely social in judicious affairs. Recall most recently, justices backed him completely on issues dealing with illegal gambling, etc., in the community. Would not justices see this tie in with signatures? Also, in ’07 Congressman Brady was challenged about signatures. I support Brady and Blackwell. They are proven doers in fighting high murder rates.
So, can the constituents of the state Rep., (hint, hint,), or the state Rep himself, (hint, hint), legally run as an Independent, get on the ballot before November, and well, station the seat, for the next 2 years for the honorable Rep. Blackwell? I’ll check to find out. In the meantime, lucky for the challengers, a few years ago, someone changed my residence out of the 190th Rep. District. I’d run, win it, and run it back to Rep. Blackwell. Fair?
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