Scams of Family Court
by Doreen Ludwig
Imagine that you are elected King. You are endowed with the power to issue orders. You are permitted to punish through jailing. You NEVER need to give a reason for your decisions. No one ever looks to see if your decisions are fair or based on fact. Once you are given your Kingdom, you preside for ten years. People who appear before the King wish to purchase your services of dictatorship. Solomon’s wisdom is not required.
Americans live under a cloud of illusion. Belief in Government purity is archaic. Conversely, there those who want a system of Government service purchase. Some benefit from Government corruption and they work to maintain their access and privilege. They give campaign contributions. They join social groups. They use family and friendships to cultivate inroads. There join membership organizations and trade associations that network at conferences giving unfair advantage to other members.
It is a fact of life that men and woman get together, have sex and have children. They may marry or not. Then they argue or find out the other person has addictions or psychological problems. Partners with habits of using violence to relieve stress or get their way become frightening. The relationship erodes and someone leaves. Whether or not divorce papers are filed, family court will determine custody; which gets to raise the children and how much power each parent will have over the child and by connection, the other parent.
In family court no one is on equal footing. The almighty singular power of Kings is bestowed on Pennsylvania county judges. Oversight of the judicial system is non-existent in Pennsylvania. The Judicial Conduct Board (JCB) is given the duty to oversee judicial conduct by the Pennsylvania Constitution. Mr. Joseph Massa heads the JCB. The Governor’s friends staff the JCB and Court Judges. Judges are not supposed to violate the law. The law includes the Constitution of the United States, The Pennsylvania Constitution and the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. This law provides the framework for judicial decisions. Yet, the JCB does nothing when Family Court judges violate Pennsylvania law.
U.S. Constitutional Amendments 5 and 14 give every citizen the right of due process. This is so important that it is guaranteed twice. Black’s Law Dictionary defines Due Process as “the right of the person affected thereby to be present before the tribunal which pronounces judgment upon the question of life, liberty, or property, in its most comprehensive sense; to be heard, by testimony or otherwise, and to have the right of controverting, by proof, every material fact which bears on the question of right in the matter involved. If any question of fact or liability be conclusively presumed against him, this is not due process of law.”
In family court it is easy to manufacture a false record. What the Judge does is only permit due process that substantiates a false record. If your family court case is pre-determined, the Judge will deny witnesses, exhibits, and cross-examination. The Judge will ignore Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. The Judge will issue orders without hearings or trials based on no facts. If you oppose this obvious lack of due process, you will be yelled at, threatened and jailed.
The King is given absolute power to deny due process. Appellate Courts and the Judicial Conduct Board do not correct violations of due process nor does the JCB punish Judges who purposely and overwhelming violate a parties due process rights.
What we would like to do is start documenting these cases of judicial corruption – the rigged family court case. I am able to analysis the record and find the violations of law that contributed to the false record and one-sided orders. Most Lawyers won’t tell you how the law was violated. They are bound to uphold the judicial system. As a layperson, I may not give legal advice, yet I am able to analysis your Court record and issue a report listing legal snafus.
Once we compile an adequate number of cases, we can require Pennsylvania Court Administration to hold themselves accountable to the law and ethics.
In my next article, I’ll explain the custody evaluator racket or how an outside businessperson is used to violate the law.
Doreen Ludwig is an owner of entrepreneur legal aid within domestic relations. Contact her at berksfamilycourtabuse@dejazzd.com