Jokes At FPN: Smiling On Election Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - Today Is Malcolm X Birthday
Jokes At FPN: Smiling On Election Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - Today Is Malcolm X Birthday
Underground" is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with "und."
· “Dreamt” is the only word in the English language that ends in “mt.”
· “Cleave” is the only word in the English language with two synonyms that are antonyms of each other. One definition for cleave is “adhere,” and another is the more well-known “split.”
· “Therein” is a seven-letter word that contains twelve words without rearranging any of its letters: “The, There, Therein, He, Her, Here, Herein, Ere, Re, Rein, I, and In.
· “Rhythms” is the longest word in the English language without any of the five true vowels. The runner-up is “syzygy,” which is the occurrence of three celestial bodies lining up.
· No word in the English language rhymes month, purple, silver or orange. Some claim that the obscure word “sporange” rhymes with orange, but the pronunciation is different.
· The longest words that can be played on a musical instrument are “cabbaged,” “debagged,” and the controversial “baggaged.”
· “Latchstring” claims the title of the most consecutive consonants.
· “Sequoia” and “Queuing” are two of the many words in the English language with four consecutive vowels.
· The phrase “CHOICE COD” appears exactly the same if held upside-down in front of a mirror.
· The act of snapping your fingers has a name: fillip.
· “Stewardesses” is the longest word that can be typed using only the left hand.
· The longest “word” that can be typed using only the bottom row of a keyboard is “ZZZ,” which appears in some dictionaries.
· Officially, the term “boulder” applies only to stones that are greater than 10 inches in diameter.
· A “spremologer” collects trivia.
· The slant that separates dates, divides fractions, etc. (such as “6/7/93”) is called a virgule.
· The little plastic ends of shoelaces are called aglets.
· The dot above the “i” is called a tittle.
· The word “Queue” is the only word in the English language that is pronounced exactly the same if the last four letters are removed (or, even more specific, if ALL of the letters but the first are removed).
· “Widow” is the only female form in the English language that is shorter than its male term (widower).
· The Ouija board got its name from the French and German words for “yes” - oui and ja.
· “Strengths,” and “Screeched,” along with a few other obscure words, are tied for the longest monosyllabic word in the English language. Strengths is especially unique because it is the longest word with only one vowel.
· “Bookkeeper” and “Bookkeeping” are the only words in the English language with three pairs of consecutive double letters. Some say “Subbookkeeping” breaks the record, but the authenticity of this word is questionable.
· “Bibliomancy” is the practice by some of opening the Bible and being guided for the day by whatever verse they see first.
· There are only two sequences of four consecutive letters that can be found in the English language: “mnop” and “rstu.” The former is found in “understudy,” the latter in “gymnophobia.”
· The shortest “-ology” is oology, the study of eggs.
· Q is the only letter that does not appear in the names of any state of the United States of America.
· Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, is the only state capital whose name shares no letters with the name of its state.
· Monday is the only day of the week that has an anagram: dynamo.
· “One thousand” contains the letter A, but none of the words from one to nine hundred ninety-nine has an A.
· “Swims” is the longest word with 180-degree rotational symmetry. If you were to view it upside-down it would still be the same and perfectly readable.
· “Hydroxyzine” (a prescription drug) is the longest containing “x-y-z” in exact order. Next in line is “xyzzors,” a scientific name for a nematode worm in biology.
· The three-syllable word “hideous,” with the change of a single consonant, becomes a two-syllable word with no vowel sounds in common: “hideout.”
· “Honorificabilitudinitatibus” is the longest word consisting entirely of alternating vowels and consonants.
· “Tautonyms” are scientific names for which the genus and species are the same.
· “Conservationalists” and “conversationalists” are the longest non-scientific transposals.
· The only countries in the world with one syllable in their names are Chad, France, Greece and Spain.
· “Four” is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number.
· Among words consisting only of Roman letters, the highest-scoring ones are “mimic” and “immix.”
· If all numbers were arranged in alphabetical order, “eight” would be first, and “zero” would be last.
· What word has a different meaning when capitalized? “Polish” and “polish.” Also, a lesser-known example is “Japan” and “japan” (which refers to a black enamel or lacquer used to produce a durable, glossy finish.”
. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - The fear of long words.
'Nine letter word' What if this was the only question on the exam to pass high school English and earn your diploma. Would you graduate?
What nine letter word in the English language is still a word when each of the nine letters is removed one by one?
Take a few minutes to try and come up with a nine letter word that fits the bill, then watch the attached video.... Well, just watch the
video......cause you're never going to figure it out!
Just click on the attached wmv if you can't figure it out (or see bottom of this email....

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