Dawn Segal, Esquire
I am Dawn Segal and am running to become a Municipal Court Judge in Philadelphia. I have practiced law for 25 years, essentially living in courtrooms in Philadelphia and the counties, representing plaintiffs and defendants. Based upon this experience, I was an Acting Judge in Philadelphia for several years and have been recommended by the Philadelphia Bar Association, the one group who rates the qualifications of lawyers in Philadelphia. I have also received endorsements from Philadelphia NOW, Liberty City Democrats, Local 159 of District Council 33, the Philadelphia Black Clergy and Vicinity and the Faculty and Staff Federation at Community College
I became a lawyer because I came of age during Watergate and saw the tremendous positive social changes brought about by lawyers - both in terms of reforming the political system and fighting discrimination. Once I graduated from Temple Law School, I volunteered for Women Against Abuse representing battered women and then served on the Women Organized Against Rape board, first as personnel director and then president for 5 years. I then had children with my partner, Nancy, and volunteered for my synagogue until my sister became ill and couldn't afford treatment or medicine. I fought the insurance company for her and was able to get her the drugs and treatment she needed, although she ultimately died.
I spent my career attempting to advocate for those who needed assistance and after my sister died, realized the fragility of life and decided to do more to contribute to the greater good. Since what I know best is how to try a case and believe all should be treated with respect and integrity, I decided to try to become a municipal court judge.
Unfortunately, the local Democratic Party appears less interested in qualifications and more with party loyalty as they have not endorsed me and several other qualified candidates, and they have also barred us from wards and all contact with party officials and threatened sanctions against those who do. Thus, I am taking my campaign to the people who I believe are the only ones whose endorsement I need and want.
If you believe in the right of individuals to make their own decisions about who to vote for, I need your support in 2 ways. The first is to help me publicize my campaign by telling your friends about me and my qualifications, since the party is prohibiting me from reaching out to any one connected to the Democratic Party. If you have an email list, if you could send a blast about my candidacy for municipal court and the need to vote for me at button number 40 that would be great.
Second, you can contact me at 215-802-0213 or go to my web site at www.dawnsegal4judge.com to find out more about me and to volunteer in my campaign. You can hand out my literature and/or work on Election Day at the polls for me, since my name will be blacked off of any Democratic Party materials.
Regardless of what you do, if you think I am qualified and you want someone representing you whom places integrity and compassion above all else, I ask for your support. Thank you. Dawn Segal