Photo by Joel Perlish Photography Above: Van Stone, SCOOP USA Newspaper Reporter, Baittank Downing, SCOOP, USA Newspaper Reporter are Radio Personalities at WVSR1360.1 AM Philadelphia Internet Radio Station. Stone pioneered Internet Education Radio Station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Enduring gross alleged mistreatment by being wrongfully imprisoned in Delaware County Pennsylvania, on September 27, 2004, Van Stone Downing returned to internet radio in 2007 to help needy families dealing with unfair decisions, bigotry, racism, bias, etc., by the hands of certain Media Delaware County Judges and the Philadelphia Chapter of the Christian Jehovah's Witnesses. See his 2 children below as last seen by Stone since 2003.

West Philadelphia Van Stone Radio Station “Philadelphia Internet Education Radio Station” WVSR 1360.1 AM, was founded in 2003 as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s first located Internet education television station and radio station, an Black American programming that allows viewers to watch television and listen to the radio over the Internet. It was the first Philadelphia-licensed Internet since June 2004. Bearing the callsign WVSR1360.1 AM, it broadcast with significantly on the web than standard radio and television stations did.
WVSR1360.1 AM “Philadelphia Internet Education Radio” is a popular and pioneering Internet radio station that defines itself as the nonprofit run station - 24 hours/seven days a week – proving talk radio and television that address issues pertaining to education, politics, and community interest. Television is provided by the compliment news component, the Philadelphia Front Page News a daily newspaper found also on the web.
The radio programming differs from most online radio broadcasting in that the talk is not limited to any specific genre but instead speak for prime diversities. West Philadelphia Van Stone Radio mostly plays original styles of smooth Jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop, grove, and classic soul and kids music. All of the styles are DJ-mixed. WVSR is a non-commercial organization. It accepts sponsorships for donating their service and running commercials. And they financially support the station through donations for needy children and animals on-line.
WVSR TV/Radio, not affiliated with a major TV network, runs many reruns, music videos, and television workshop projects. One of the advantages some will find if they can tune into this internet radio/TV site is being able to pick up the cable stations that broadcast the Philadelphia 76ers home basketball games and the Philadelphia Eagles football games. Such telecasts are shown only on cable with blackouts on TV sets that have satellite hookups or non-digital television sets. Nevertheless, besides focusing on community news, the mixed media does air everything from Rock to Gospel and even features independent artist who produces their own music.
Stone’s WVSR goal is to make it easier for independent artist to become known.
The station also provides access to non-accessible local and national television and radio and cable news stations, as well as AM radio. The nonprofit website/station is able to provide such a vast variety of programming because of the donations that are given by viewers/listeners. The site also solicits groups to advertise their wares and services. Stone's’WVSR is designed to create Internet workshops that teaches kids and adults about the Internet.
Affiliations included Accent Radio. James Sullivan is also a part owner as well. The station achieved an interesting amount of success under Sullivan’s stewardship.
WVSR streams are available in MP3, HE-AAC (AAC+), WMA and RealAudio in various bitrates, and can be accessed through Apple's iTunes radio tuner service as well as the SHOUTcast Radio search feature available in the Winamp player and the Shoutcast web site. The station can also be found under the "Cool Streams" playlist built into the Amarok Media Player.
The web site offers listeners the ability to comment live by telephone on talk themes and the rotation playlist. Radio Host participates in interactive re-recorded shows. The station has made much impact in the ratings,
Aside from providing a varied selection of original and old school style music, WVSR1360.1 also has a lively on-line community via its forums, journals, comments section and contests (through donations) on the web site. Health and Human interest is a key reason that listeners log on the website and newspaper to share and learn.
Van Stone Downing started the station. Gerald McNeil developed the webmaster components and broadband technologies. Much later, in 2007, did Diane White from Harrisburg, PA, a Webmaster, Political Activist and Community Activist, joined the team of Stone and McNeil to help make both the WVSR1360.1 AM and the Philadelphia Front Page News a household name. But as for Van Stone, he has been a radio station host and DJ at various education non-commercial stations such as WPEB Philadelphia since 1994, as well as working as a radio & TV engineer and producer. Stone is best known for his former show, “Radio Magazine, with your Host Van Stone
WVSR TV/Radio was featured in a Philadelphia Westside Weekly newspaper article of July 23, 2004 on ‘They Link The N’hood to Internet’ through an interview with Stone and McNeil.
WVSR TV/Radio was discontinued in September 2004, when Stone was allegedly wrongfully incarcerated by Media Delaware County Courthouse Judges Barry C. Dozer and Maureen Fitzpatrick during a custody matter over Stone’s 2 children and his estranged wife but, later the station was reinstated on New Years Eve 2007. James Sullivan, who was titled as vice president of communications, became owner of both the WVSR1360 radio station and the Philadelphia Front Page News to relieve Stone of conflict of interest. At the conception of Stone’s WVSR TV/Radio Downing and station programming was focusing on all types of abuse. Even religious abuse. And this is where Downing’s Internet TV/Radio becomes controversial. The station takes aim at the Jehovah’s Witnesses sect and Judges Barry C. Dozer, Maureen Fitzpatrick, and Court Master Wright, Media Delaware County Courthouse, alleging hypocrisy in some of the Jah’s Witnesses doctrines especially its links to the United Nations. And alleging corruption in some of the Media justices decisions especially its links to bigotry, prejudice, bias, and racism in Family Court matters; divorce, custody, support, and protection from abuse orders.
In 2003, Stone and WVSR programmers discussed the Jah’s Witnesses religion bans any involvement in any form of governmental or political activity, except paying taxes.
According to Van Stone Downing, a former JW himself, “leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization are telling their members not to vote, but at the same time the leaders joined the United Nations.” Stone, who left the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization, for reasons that don’t matter, also said that the religious organization has a lot of child sexual abuse allegations successfully proved in court. As for the Media Delaware County Courthouse Judges in question, Stone has supported groups and legislators that have raising concerns about Media Delaware County Courthouse and Judges Barry C. Dozer and Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick.
Stone wanted to help change Philadelphia to a safer and more economical city by helping Philadelphia become a producer of analog or digital, terrestrial, or Internet – radio pioneering job increasing for poverty stricken blacks in particular and all youngsters that are dealing with school dropouts rates, youth gun-homicide, unemployment, and child fostering.
Stone developed the concept in Internet radio and job improvement that 13 songs or ads per hour, would bring about hundreds of donated dollars for streaming, per station per month that 90% adults and teens living in a Philadelphia city district would be employed in radio career. Nonprofit Internet radio stations acquiring enough donation online spots and website banners and sponsorships would make it affordable to hire 20 to 25 personnel.
In addition, in 2008 Stone brought a Hollywood actor, Stefan Umstead, to reach entertainment, corporations, sports and health professional demographics. Later Stone got nationally known Disc Jockey “DJ Kid Scratch” to the station to blend in records being played when social-conscience topics were not occurring. Soon the station would become more competitive with FM radio. Stefan Umstead himself is a featured radio personality. And DJ Kid Scratch himself is a featured host, and is joined by several comedians and actors and film stars. The station achieved notoriety by featuring former Philadelphia residents that became stars and decided to come back and give back to the American Black Philadelphia community. And now viewers from as far as California, where Stefan resides, could call in live and talk on issues of the day with radio personalities. Soon Advertising donations picked up, and the viewership/listenership increased 50%. And also Samuel Van Stone Downing himself was a featured as a returned host.
When new themes at WVSR next appeared, it was clear Chiropractic Care was in the forefront of talk format. The science behind chiropractic care has existed since as long ago as 2700 BC. Chiropractic Radio would help field the voice for many physicians who stressed the importance of spinal manipulation as a preventive measure. Dr. Michael L. Pollard examined the chiropractic profession. Dr. Pollard explained how Daniel David Palmer, who started the Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1897, founded it in 1895 in the United States. His son, BJ Palmer, continued the school after his father's death and is credited for developing chiropractic care into what it is today.
Since then, chiropractic care has gained legal recognition in all fifty United States, and worldwide support continues to grow. Chiropractors are recognized as physicians and are often covered by insurance and Medicare. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques and procedures to allow the body to heal at full potential. Dr. Pollard helps families learn and listen about chiropractors that can take care of a person’s chiropractic and holistic healthcare needs.
In addition 3 to 5 second psa’s and news tips about proper animal care and animal rights drew in new donators and listener/viewers that are concerned about animal abuse in Philadelphia and abroad.
Gerald “Jerry” McNeal co-re-established created music video programming format concentrating on the historical music roots and Black American History and programs about modern rap music education videos. Diane White established "DLighte House" featuring talk and music dealing with social, economic and environmental justice and our overall physical, mental and spiritual well-being as we strive for the "One Love" through the vibrations of the spoken word and reggae music.
Station Address:
Van Stone
P.O. Box 395
East Lansdowne, PA 19050
WVSR Technical Info:
Status Licensed Class Internet Affiliate
Area of Coverage Broadcast During Determined Hours Paid-For-AM OnAir Time
Hours of Operation Unlimited