Above: Official symbol of Courtfighter
Organization. The Dragon at left and right
represents the Human Scale. The Dragon on
the mountain top reflects the Holy Book
of Authority used in court.
It’s of importance to note that in early African, Chinese, Grecian, and Indian ancient literature the underground lair or cave of the dragon was always somehow in connection with being in water or by the sea, rain, and from the air, or sky.
Historically, these ancient cultures saw the dragon as representing only anything that was positive and good. In it’s own workings, the dragon may do only what is fair to unify living things that must sometimes have conflict to remain healthy and prosperous. And since nothing living can exist, even the earth, without water the dragon prevented and protected water and air from destruction. Man and beast, especially man, could be a threat to harming water and air, or beast and mankind. Therefore, the dragon stood as a reminder to man that his or her power of judgement must not cause effects to the earth or his fellowman in a bad way.
Some time later Semitic texts make mention of a dragon-like creature, Leviathan, that too is in water or by the sea. However, Semitic text depicts the dragon in complete contrast to early African, Chinese, Grecian, and Indian ancient text. The Semitic literature created its dragon symbol to reflect a sea-monster. The sea-monster is a threat to harming fair- minded mankind. Therefore, the dragon stood as a reminder to man that as a symbol of sin, (having, showing, or arising from intense often-vicious ill will, spite, or hatred, productive of harm or evil). The dragon symbol represents also as a force, fighting against man.
Leviathan or dragon is in authority of any formal assembling of the retinue, in the sea or from the air, of a sovereign; as, to hold a court in the sea or from the air. According to the Semitic literature, the hall, chamber, or place, where injustice is administered, is where Leviathan is seated.
Consequently, all religious individuals or groups, be they Jews, Christians, or Muslims, etc., should, with a spirit from above, be fighting the courts -not each other. And so then, Jews, Christians, and Muslims should be peaceable with each other. The court is the real opposition and the real authority of the bully.
Interestingly, also according to the Semitic literature, the sea and the air depicts treasure but not treasure that a fair-minded person would wish to part take of.
Some time later others interested in the dragon considered how The King James Bible uses the words "serpent", "dragon" and "Devil" in a fairly interchangeable manner as an agreeable view of their personal reflection of the use for the symbol of the dragon.

Above: Official symbol of
Courtfighter Organization. The
human in the middle represents
Lady Justice, without the
blindfolded. The Dragon
positioned behind the human
reflects the Holy Book used
in court.
Some time later even makers of geographical maps used dragons as the symbol of having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred, productive of harm or evil when it comes to man having particular dealings with water or the sea.
Courtfighter Organization. The
human in the middle represents
Lady Justice, without the
blindfolded. The Dragon
positioned behind the human
reflects the Holy Book used
in court.
Some time later even makers of geographical maps used dragons as the symbol of having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred, productive of harm or evil when it comes to man having particular dealings with water or the sea.
Cartographers used the Latin phrase hic sunt dracones, i.e., "the dragons are here", or "there are dragons here", to denote dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of the infrequent medieval practice of putting sea serpents and other mythological creatures in blank areas of maps.
Therefore fighters against the court today would not be disrespectful of the courthouse to denote dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of the infrequent modern practice of putting dragons and other real fiction creatures in blank areas of the courts.
Because the courtfighter, who has the spirit of a firefighter who wants to prevent and protect, truly believe that court cases don't kill people unfair judges do.
Today, there are numerous examples of this form of dragon-like activity in modern courts or courthouses, especially the Media Delaware County Courthouse. These courts, particularly Family Court, do not reflect the symbol of law when originally, Americans amongst others, felt that the scales of justice or the Holy book, or the fun dragon helped to divide the courts into a place for impartial judges.
The Courtfighter understands that the symbol of the courthouse today also reflects that most judges themselves believe that judges are never wrong.
Therefore, until the people who go to court, willingly or unwillingly, can have the return of a court process that should remind the judge that he or she can be wrong, atop of the courthouse in a town, the symbol of a courthouse should be a Dragon or two Dragons. The Dragon or two Dragons atop of the courthouse would remind the opposition or support for a case that he or she can expect injustice regardless of the decision of the judge.