As a people group African American descendants of Black African slaves stand before a wide open door, on the other side of which is a whole other world. A world of true purpose. A world where we did not begin in America as slaves, or on the continent of Africa in conflict with ourselves.
Gaging the increasing rumors of an illegal attack in our name on the sovereign nation of IRAN by the culture of death which is the Cheney/Bush administration, and realizing the appalling silence of relevant Black voices of protest, calls into question the quasi schizophrenic and delusional mental state of what we commonly refer to as the Black community. Strong words. I know.
Are we afraid to the point of paralysis, unaware of, or in denial of the conservative agenda? An agenda that questions out loud, "Is America ready for a Black president?" An agenda that bases our foreign policy on junk theology which presupposes the correctness of KKK biblical interpretation and Christianity that destroys life in the Middle East on behalf of Old Testament Israel. Junk theology that prophecies Holy War against Islam, and makes Black Clergy buck dance and support the doctrine of White supremacy on several levels for operating capital. Strong words? I Know.
"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I am come that you might have abundant life," said Jesus.
What say ye?