I know the Primary thing is finally over and I'm doing my part to help Dems pull together and heal and win HUGE in November.
This report comes to you from Columbus, Ohio. Columbus' Mayor, Safety Director, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Director of Community Relations, President of the Board of Education, Supt. of the School District and a huge host of Christian Pastors are all persons of Color. African American. Negroid.
This is the Columbus, Ohio, where the 2004 presidential election was stolen, certified and given to Cheney/Bush by a Negro Republican Sect. of State named J. Kenneth Blackwell. Mr. Blackwell was chair of the State Cheney/Bush re-election committee.
I wish Hillary and Bill had not encouraged their sick White racist brothers and sisters to begin acting out their sickness, but they did. Each of their well placed and timed race cards were code for "EXPRESS YO SEF hard workin White folks." Listen now and you will here some of the sick White Billary supporting sisters brag, "I'm voting for John McCain." Only a sick woman, of any ethnicity, plans to vote for John McCain. Some women are sick like that. I wish it weren't so.
I wish a lot of things weren't so. However, wishful thinking instead of intelligent, faith filled, courageous actions motivated by LOVE instead of an abundance of pleasing talk and wishful thinking is the reason some sad things remain SO to this very second.
Before I get to what the present "ITs" are that I really wish were not so, while typing the descriptive words above I was reminded of an ongoing example of the kind of local, block by block community action that is sorely needed nationally. The local model that has come to my attention is sprearheaded by the dynamic duo: the Van and Eddie Police Clergy team for safe communities in Philly, Pa. Thanks men,.....for standing up and proving what is possible.
Having been on the planet for a while, I've got a few things pretty well figured out, as my mom's dad would say. I find it true all over the world as true today as it was years ago when Rich DeVos first said it; "The only things between you and what you want in life are the vision to see it and faith to make it happen." So I find myself not looking for any negativity at all, especially in areas regarding manufactured racial disparities, crime, violence, poverty, sickness, disease, fear, hate, war, etc. Having been personally impacted negatively by these monsters frolicking daily in my early childhood and teenage environment. I realize now just how blessed I was, in the midst of it all, to have been tetherd to some "fo real" grown folks who took serious their responsibility to get me to grown folks status. They were not my biological parents. Obviously they took me serious. Today I pause to say, I'm greatful. I know the required faith filled and courageous necessary actions that Black men need to take. And so I do. Truth must be spoken to power and wicked rulers in high places must be informed that they are not God Almighty.
Having been on the planet as long as I have and focused on and engaged in social change for more than fifty years, when I sat down to write today, I realized that every idea presenting itself to my mind can easily turn into an essay or a book. I further realize that I'm really, really tired of human destruction, death and funerals. I'm especially tired of the nightmare experience of watching parents funeralize their children. Who will funeralize the past generation and inherit their legacy, now that the parents have buried their present and their future? ............What a cruel hoax. It was never supposed to be this way, and it eventually it will begin to feel so weird to more and more of us survivors that we just can't stand to let it continue another day.
Last week when it happened again in Columbus, Ohio - I instructed the speaking and writing part of me act to Iike I did not know that Columbus Police Division Patrol Officers had gunned down another "fleeing" Black man. He was shot in the back and he was 31 years old. His death and life hardly made the local news. Was he a father? I don't know. I do know he was a human being. He was somebody's son. An eyes in the night witness saw the whole thing go down. His take on it? Excessive force. The witness heard the now dead young man plead, "don't shoot me," as he ran. Then, POWW!!! POWW!!! He stumbled and fell to the ground.
Most likely Internal Affairs will defend the officers' claim that they feared for their lives. The thought of someonerunning from me gives me the creeps. AND? And what? NEXT!
Oh Oh!!! This just in. Officers incident report: Four supects were involved in an alleged drug deal. Cops show up. They all ran. Two were arrested on the spot. One was shot in the back and the fourth is still running. Wait, there's more. What? Three guns were recovered at the scene. Is there any more to this story? No, not unless more is needed. Any further questions?
I sat on this for a whole week...wishing it wasn't so. I thought about writing about it last night. Instead I wrote some notes on a psychological disorder, Election '08, Fatherhood, and went to bed.
If the local news item that met me this morning had not occurred last night I would not have told you about the shooting in the back incident that happened last week.
Last evening at one of our state park/beach areas two White guys ran a Black guy down with their automobile. They were driving a dark green Jeep Cherokee. Passersby helped free the victim who was pinned under the Jeep. I wish it wasn't so. This morning Police asked anyone who know who was driving that green Jeep to let them know.
This is the same Columbus, Ohio, where the 2004 presidential election was stolen and given to Cheney/Bush by a Negro Sect. of State named J. Kenneth Blackwell. And where Billary started lying on Obama, winning the Appalacian vote big time, talking crazy and drinking whiskey; and then talking real crazy and misleading the poor White racists with the fabricated Clinton vote count and the falsehood that she might win what Barack Obama had already won. Now that they are out of the box many of the the inflamed poor White racists can't just stop and turn on a dime. I wish it wasn't so.
Columbus' Mayor, Safety Director, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Director of Community Relations, President of the Board of Education, Supt. of the School District and a huge host of Christian Pastors are all persons of Color. African American. Negroid.
Google Black Wall Street, then scroll down to "What is Black Wall Street? and click on it.
You can't begin to imagine how I wish it wasn't so.