What do judges, and I mean, just Media Delaware County Family Courthouse Judges, and the honorable Councilman Curtis Jones, Philadelphia, County, have in common with fathers? Both elected officials sway power and depth involved with the lives of a male parent. And in particular, the often uncivilized behaviors of certain Media family court justices say like, Judges B. Dozor, M. Fitzpartick, and F.X. Coll, to name a few, may very well one day land them in a court battle here in Philly. The court battle may be over Philadelphia fathers' own paternal rights. And these judges known for allegations of unfairness toward fathers and their own children might be challenged by Councilman Curtis Jones, who is the undisputed champion of improving opportunities for fatherhood throughout the state of PA. Jones is just one official who deals with undue influence.
Father's Day has just passed. And women who cared for the relationship between herself and her mother and grandmom celebrated the history of Mother's Day here in Philadelphia because of its courageous beginnings. This deep-seated act of real parenting backwards from daughter to mother has the same drive that can cause Mother's Day to mean that on that day all fathers who do not forget their children are also moms too. Mother's Day can therefore become a Mr. Mom Day. There are so many dads that play the role of both positive father and mother that each female parent and male parent really have two days just for them to celebrate and be recognized by all.
For example: many fathers who reside in Philly, the city of fatherly love too, have faced the sad future of Judges Dozor, Fitzpatrick, and F.X. Coll commanding orders for their dad's right to be involved with their sons and daughters terminated for life with unflinching courage. Many fathers regardless of their race are victims who must embrace the love of hundreds and hundreds of kids who are not their natural born kids. These secondary kids who are really foster children to the positive dads are so because their second daddy lives in an unforeseen difficulty where the courts in Media Delaware County have taken upon themselves to do what the State of Pennsylvania courts refuse to do. Most recently another state in our country ordered the return of a modest number of kids to their parents because its judges felt that they would become unpopular judges if they supported an unpopular law dealing with parental rights. That law would be this. Local authorities are allowed to remove children from negative situations but do not allow a positive parent particularly a male to collect his children to his care until the higher courts claim that a male parent has been human enough to care for children.
This issue of a male parent being human enough or not human enough to care for his own biological kids is a similar unpopular situation that Philadelphia Councilman Jones is facing dealing with the city having to wait for higher courts to pass safer gun laws.
Councilman Jones and others such as Councilwoman Blackwell have braved taking up a legal battle against institutions that use the law and power of the court to maintain heartache and unofficial use of guns which end up as another kind of separation in life between fathers and their sons. Positive dads deserve a day or two for being trusty dads.
In local and world news: Darryl Nutter, who is the cousin of the Mayor of Philadelphia, Mike Nutter, has invested in the growing Black American owned radio station WVSR 1360.1 AM, located on the internet for listeners at www.wvsr1360.com. Nutter's wish is to support inspiring "Wireless Philadelphia" by offering access free to his new live talk radio show. Nutter plans to have discussions with social welfare feature guest such as Councilman Curtis Jones of Philadelphia, to talk about saving the WiFi signal in Philly. It would be free for everyone. His talk radio show is called Philly Forum with Darryl Nutter.
The project would not been charged to any residents who reside in the West Philly area as this would help them save up for the cost of WiFi which is about $20 a month for the wireless internet service. Darryl is working on using the Office of Darryl Nutter as a means to help struggling subscribers call into his show at (347) 945-6787 Fridays from 5pm to 6pm to discuss signing up, city problems, and a safer Philadelphia.