Views & Opinion at Philadelphia Front Page News, Bob Cross, Are You Still a Clinton Supporter?Why?From the Bob Cesca files:When the DNC's rules panel declared Florida's primary date out of order, it agreed by a near-unanimous majority to exceed the 50 percent penalty called for under party rules. Instead, the group stripped Florida of all 210 delegates to underscore its displeasure with Florida's defiance and to discourage other states from following suit. In doing so, the DNC essentially committed itself, for fairness' sake, to strip the similarly defiant Michigan of all 156 of its delegates three months later.Clinton held tremendous potential leverage over this decision, and not only because she was then widely judged the likely nominee. Of the committee's 30 members, a near-majority of 12 were Clinton supporters. All of them—most notably strategist Harold Ickes—voted for Florida's full disenfranchisement. (The only dissenting vote was cast by a Tallahassee, Fla., city commissioner who supported Obama.)
Later, a statement by Patti Solis Doyle:
"We believe Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina play a unique and special role in the nominating process.And we believe the DNC’s rules and its calendar provide the necessary structure to respect and honor that role.Thus, we will be signing the pledge to adhere to the DNC approved nominating calendar.But now that it is past time to exit gracefully who can count the ways Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have invented to stick and stay and have it their way?Saturday May 31 came and went. What's that crazy sound I hear the day before the final primaries? Uhh Oh here's Hillary some more.
AP News Report:
"This has been such an intense process," she said, "I don't think there has been a lot of time for reflection. It's only now that we're finishing these contests that people are going to actually reflect on who is our stronger candidate."
Asked Monday on CBS' "The Early Show" if Clinton would take her campaign to the convention, McAuliffe said again they "would keep all of their options open."
Cinton's decision, if prolonged, is not likely to sit well with party leaders and some of her own supporters. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., have both called on the contest to end shortly after the final primaries.
Tom Vilsack, the former Iowa governor and a national co-chairman of Clinton's campaign, said Sunday: "It does appear to be pretty clear that Senator Obama is going to be the nominee. After Tuesday's contests, she needs to acknowledge that he's going to be the nominee and quickly get behind him."
McAuliffe Sunday night called the panel's judgment "outrageous. "
"People are angry," he said. "This does not unify our party, this crazy, cockamamie thing they came up with in Michigan."
Wow! Not anger. I know you didn't say "People are angry." What people? Who are these angry people, and what, pray tell are they angry about? Surely None of them are Black People. We don't allow Black anger and angry Black people to express themselves. It's un-American, un-patriotic and it scares White men. Was that not Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright's great sin? An angry Black preacher exercising his first amendment right in a church building on a Sunday morning has been vilafided, castagated, denounced and repudiated.
Stranger than all of all of it though is why are not the Black Pastors and other Black Clinton supporters of all discriptions angry, least by now? At Hillary? At yourself? Just asking.