Teee Coston, Founder & President of The Thoughts Of Black Men (TBM), and Dr. Van Stone, Author and Syndicated Columnist, invites people from intercultural backgrounds to join the Thoughts Of Black Men (TBM). Teee Coston’s hope is that Dr. Van Stone, through media publication, can teach men, women, and children the importance of joining the organization TBM which helps to defined the color “black.” Dr. Stone had exactly what Coston was looking for when he used his admired works of Dr. Seuss’, “My Many Colored Days” to come up with the “Expression of Black” in the TBM.
Dr. Stone assigns colors to moods and emotions as was Dr. Seuss’ signature. Thoughts of Black Men (TMB) brings colors (nationalities) and images (crafts) together as one family/community. According to Dr. Stone, black means happy. Dr. Stone says, "The thoughts of happy men generate good company for positive people."

Teee Coston, Founder of The Thoughts Of Black
Men and Queens NY City Chapter President,
Co-Chair of TBM National Student Council.
Unfortunately the color of black has been blamed for many tragedies. Such as dressing in black during school shootings, being black-listed or black-balled, evil, etc. The color black has been synonymous with many negative things and subconsciously the color black creates negative thoughts for many people. Today is a new day. Dr. Stone desires that the color black be re-design and created in a whole new expression, just like green is for earth day, blue is for jean day, silver is for anniversary, etc.

Dr. Van Stone, Founder of Van Stone Productions
Foundation, TBM Phila. City Chapter President,
Co-Chair of TBM National Student Council,
Phila. Front Page News, Editor and Publisher,
Owner of Phila. Radio Station, Internet -
WVSR1360.com, Author, Radio Host,
and Syndicated Columnist.
Dr. Stone has created a PEACE DAY for the wearing of the color black to stop unduly influencing people with the symbolism of the color black having negative connotations. “Please become a TBM member. Click the Logo at www.frontpagenews.us to go to TBM’s Join This Group website.”