by Van Stone (610) 931-8810

The image above represents a united statewide Black and White Family that has concerns about unnecessary attacks against city government and strong leaders who serve a large multicultural community. Van Stone, local TBM Phila., Chapter, Pres. is demanding that Zack Stalberg, Committee of Seventy President cease trying to insinuate that today's Council and 4 other elected city seats are wasteful. His recent opinion about Philly elected officials is pure invention.
Zack Stalberg, president of the political watchdog Committee of Seventy, who fights for clean and effective government, fair elections and a better informed citizenry in Philadelphia and the region took a shot at my beloved Philadelphia City Council.
Stalberg made claims that Philly Council doesn’t have a “honest budget,” making it not clean. He feels that Council is too big, as he is so positive that there are certain members who are holding needless jobs hurting the city economically. That says to all citizens that Philly Council is not an effective government, and let's get rid of them by 2’s or 4’s. And Stalberg also attacks Philly Council's individual fair mindedness saying their wallets are full of six-figure salaries while citizens lack money to pay for housing, utilities, technology, services like clean streets, education and public safety. Stalberg is aware that his one-sided comments would make misinformed citizens angry with Council. He also thinks that 4 elected seats should go.
What Stalberg didn’t know is that citizens who are in Philly and the region, in NY and the region too, who support their city council are firing back. These well-informed citizens are a part of a watchdog group as well. And they can behave like hounds, so to speak, that can smell a rat that is up to no good but rather is up to negativity and self-publicity. After reviewing closely Stalberg’s unfair attacks on Philadelphia City Council, the TBM, which stands for The Thoughts of Black Men, and its City Chapter leaders have decided that we are in disagreement with Mr. Stalberg. So I, Van Stone, being the TBM Phila. City Chapter President, am taking the lead in Philly to support the legislative arm of Philadelphia municipal government, consisting of seventeen members. I strongly reject Stalberg's "Needless Jobs" report.
Tee Coston, Founder of TBM, and Queens NY City Chapter President, has considered Stalberg’s opinion about the Philadelphia City Council, the legislative body of Philadelphia, somewhat “strangely confusing and awkward especially at a time when Philadelphia needs positive action.” The TBM is hoping that Stalberg apologizes publicly to Philly Council for his remarks. There is no sound basis for Stalberg sounding a false alarm about Philly Council. And here’s why this TBM Chapter is concerned...
Philadelphia City Council has set the example as a model for Council as far as New York to follow when it comes to maintaining the power to designate local historic districts, rather than having the process controlled by some other Commission. It has stepped up to challenge the role of any independent entity, no matter how powerful, such as Business Districts, administration agencies and the like, in representing their own interest while ignoring citizen needs. And City Council positively influences a wide range of public affairs in Philadelphia and directly impacts the quality of life for its citizenry without creating a scandal dealing with fixing a deficit. So, why is the TBM action watchdog group questioning whether Stallberg’s opinion needs to be so big?
A TBM Chapter works to support improving customer service, saving citizens money. The business community has been an active partner in city government, education, housing and homeless issues, better use of public utilities, better use of parks and recreation, public safety, better streets and services, technology and information and the environment. And Philly Council is the government making sure of this happening.
Stalberg is aware that the Seventy does not lobby or support, endorse or oppose candidates for office. He's wondering what’s in Philly Council’s wallet, and that doesn’t make sense at all. Other TBM Chapter Presidents and I can make more sense to Philly citizens about Good City government by saying, “Stalberg, what’s in your wallet?” TBM is prepared to formally disagree with Stalberg and take action to support Council and the so-called "Needless Jobs" on ways to change how city budgets and family budgets end up in crisis.
The TBM watchdog component and I are the Council Knights for now, and we're for FREE! How’s that for controlling wasteful spending, Mr. Stalberg. Looks like they won’t have to spend money on a publicity relations agent to try to defend themselves dealing with your opinion.