News Stories about Black Superhero Comics at the Philadelphia Front Page News Online
News Stories about Black Superhero Comics at the Philadelphia Front Page News Online
by Van Stone
The Philadelphia Front Page News, an online newspaper, is widely regarded as the premiere Black Superhero comics-related site on the Web. The Philadelphia Front Page News seeks sponsors by comic book fans and professionals interested in decreasing school Dropout rates, illiteracy amongst adults and youth and non-violent and violent crime. It provides a variety of original ongoing columns, together with an outstanding collection of news covering hundreds of resources. It also has a weekly opinion feature.
Philadelphia Front Page News publishes brief comics industry news, and previews available online as premium features-primarily feature articles, and editorials-features at no cost.
The professed mission of Philadelphia Front Page News is to raise the level of discourse on Black Superhero comic books and encourage comic book fans to expand their reading interests. Philadelphia Front Page News welcomes like-minded contributors.
Highly opinionated, highly entertaining with reviews from Van Stone, Philadelphia writer amongst others, the Philadelphia Front Page News focuses on Black Superhero family of comics, but contributors regularly reviews all types of other titles as well. Updated weekly, with an archive of previous articles. The Philadelphia Front Page New is a resource for the discerning reader.
The Philadelphia Front Page News goal is to help give introduction to graphic novels in libraries, schools, home-based business, online, prisons, recreation centers and neighborhood retail and community social-welfare services. Stories and art are compiled by community activist, political activist and environmental activist created for Teen Reading and Ex-offender Reading and High School Dropout Reading. The online newspaper recommends comics and graphic arts novels, organized by age level and genre.
Many readers of the Philadelphia Front Page News can learn about bibliography of comic Black Superhero comics, paperback books, illustrated histories of artist, and other reference books relating to news stories and comic books. Those who didn’t find interest in comic books when they were children may today get extensive guide to the comics of the Golden and Silver Ages, including title checklists, character fact files, and scanned images. Maintained by comics’ collectors.
From time to time the Philadelphia Front Page News provides a guide to the history of American comic books, Black American comic books, and Asian Animated comic books during the 1940s and 1950s, including background the United States and China and Japan, and the crusade against comics.
If you’re looking for deeper information about comics in general the Philadelphia Front Page News, which can be visited at, concise, well-written encyclopedia-type profiles on comic-related topics. Comic book researchers focus on animated cartoons, but extensive coverage is given to Black Superheroes, including articles on major publishers, characters, and series and cartooning. Data for hundreds of major comic book creators, living and dead, plus biographical profiles for several dozen of the most prominent artists and several artist are written about to help at-risk black males and females to avoid crime, violence and drug activity in Urban and Suburban big cities.
And finally, the Philadelphia Front Page News can work as a resource guide for teachers on using comic books in the classroom. Writers use the relationship between comic books and reading skills, providing lists of recommended comics and graphic novels for children, teens, and adults that can’t read well and offers ideas for classroom activities using comic books and comics concepts.
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