Elaine Brown
By Diane White diane@dlighten.
Be positive, read a book, be a newly-registered green, change a diaper, cause word on the streets of Watts, Watsonville, Santa Ana, Oakland/Berkeley, Houston, Pittsburgh, DC, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit is that despite the cages, or the acts of the grinches, the birds are singing, and singing, and singing...
With hardly any money at all, a new generation of youth -- alienated by war, incarceration, violence, and all the sequelae of anarchistic, valueless privatization and free trade -- have found in the Philadelphia native, senior 60's Black and Peace movement spokesperson, not defeated by the US War and Terror machine, not duped by the shock doctrine, not dead from disaster capitalism, no not this Woman of Our Time, but rather sharpened like a sickle, and made flexible not hard by the hammer of corporate big money and COINTELPRO, HER canary song announcing that we CAN win, and that human needs and the crisis of human suffering WILL trump private profits, if we stand up now.
This wise voice which has endured beatings, continual harassment and threats, and a willful refusal by the mainstream media to allow her to have the same platform built for others, is inspiring a most electrifying and empowering movement of disenchanted non-voters all over the United States to take charge of their lives and to register green and become delegates for Elaine Brown at the 2008 Green Party Nominating Convention July 10-13 in Chicago, Ill.
"We are just registering voters and inspiring them to see their power."
A passionate leader who leads not with money but with her heart, spirit, and un-silenced voice, Elaine "Green Party" Brown is seeking the Green Party of the United State 2008 Presidential Nomination.
Elaine Brown's book, A Taste of Power, about her earlier life as she became the top leader and only-ever Womyn Chair of the Black Panther Party, can be purchased in soft cover at Amazon.com or your local Barnes and Noble.
Elaine Brown is a former Black Panther Party leader, noted author, community and prison justice activist. Elaine addresses students at Regis University as a part of women’s history month.
Series: Keynote
Episode: Keynote: Elaine Brown
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Producer: Kevin Price (www.freespeech.org)
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