Efective midnight July 7, 2008 the Thoughts of Black Men and Thoughts of Black Men and Family Sites will be changing the format of the postings that is listed and posted in our groups.
We are no longer the groups we use to be, and we are exspecting greater things to bring a better nation. So we are challenging "CHANGE" to mind set and we foruming a difference in the direction of success in leadership..
Those who are called to the TBM Family will remain with the TBM and those who make the decision to leave, we wish you the best in love!!!
We now have to be concerned and focused about the inner man, the inner thoughts and inner gifts that lives within our hearts that is screaming with a silent cry to be free..
We are seeking commitment and dedication as a means of support the visions and mission of TBM. We are no longer interested in the posting that has no values to family structure, to growth in character, and to guidence and direction to educate for the purpose of saving lives...
We looking forward the majoritiy of TBM Family to participate in...
Posting will consist of:
1- Education, experience, life changing results..
2- The participation of the conference calls..(Your attendence is required)
3- Membership fee's
Emails sent after midnight July 7, 2008 will not posted.
New operating policies are being adopted to better facilitate the vision, goals and mission of TBM and TBM/FAMILY. Going forward content guidelines are being brought online in accordance with who we are and what we intend to collectively convey.
Like all healthy organisms growth is occurring in TBM. In order to maximize our potential it is imperative that we retool for a growth rate that shifts from a one man operation to one that incorperates the thoughts and active participation of a dedicated staff of commited thinkers and doers.
Thanks to all of you who have hung with us and helped us to become who we believed we could be thus far. Special thanks to those who have behaved like family by encouraging us to go further, and offered constructive criticism that is now assisting us in the pursuit of excellence.
We Can - We Will.
Tee Costen, Founder and Director.