Jesse L. Jackson Sr. Does Not Speak For Me.
Jesse reminds me of an actor who dilivers his lines in a manner worthy of an Oscar and then refuses to leave the stage. Down through the years I have defended Jesse L. Jackson Sr. and forgiven his transgressions as I would hope to be forgiven. However, this scurolous, mean spirited, childish attack on president Barack Obama is the proverbial last straw. I pray that it will prove to Jesse that he needs to spend more time alone in the presence of his creator and less time seeking microphones, cameras and human attention. As four year olds are often told, someone needs to tell Jesse L. Jackson Sr, "act your age."
President Obama delivered a brilliant, balanced, on time, Father's day message and Jesse L. Jackson Sr. went ballistic. Why? Could it be that as my grandfather used to say, "throw a stone in a pack of dogs and the one that hollas is the one that got hit." As the father of six sons I am thrilled and thankful for every word spoken by president Obama June 15,2008.
1968 was 40 years ago. It is now 2008. Please let Jesse know we are moving forward behind president Barack Obama.
In vain attempts to explain away the illness of a portion of the mind residing in the head of Jesse L. Jackson Sr. now revealed, I've even heard child abandonment referred to as "so called" abandonment. My father's abandonment of me and it's effects on me were too real to ever be reduced to the status of "so called." He might very well have been my mother's imaginary friend but he was my real biological father and he defected from the the commitment of love, marriage and the battle of fatherhood.
Thank you for your message president Obama.
Hush, and go home to your wife Jesse L. Jackson Sr. Enjoy your role and responsibilities of husband, father and grandfather. Hava nice life. Thank you for your service to America brother Jackson.