Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, accompanied by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, waves, Tuesday, July 8, 2008, at the League of United Latin American Citizens in Washington. |
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama sought Tuesday to send the same message to a critical constituency: They understand that Hispanics share the same economic concerns as other Americans - and they will help the whole country prosper.
It was the second time in as many weeks the presidential candidates directly appealed to a Hispanic group. Appearances before a third were on tap for next week, underscoring the fierce fight for these fickle voters.
The rivals, to be sure, pressed anew their support for comprehensive immigration reform, a bedrock issue for Hispanics, in separate speeches to the League of United Latin American Citizens. But each candidate was primarily focused on making the case that he - not his opponent - could best lead the country out of economic straits and help the middle class achieve prosperity.
"I believe the role of government is to unleash the creativity, ingenuity and hard work of the American people, and make it easier to create jobs," said McCain in a speech that focused heavily on his overall economic proposals. The economy, the Arizona senator said, is about "the aspirations of the American people to build a better life for their families; dreams that begin with a job."
Obama struck a similar chord later as he praised the Hispanic community for having "big dreams and a big heart." The Illinois senator said the election is about "making sure that we have a government that knows that a problem facing any American is a problem facing all Americans" and "giving all Americans a fair shot at the American dream."
Opportunity and prosperity were poignant messages for the audience, an organization that advocates social and economic policies benefiting Hispanics. The economy, health care, education and pathways to success are issues that resonate strongly with members of the fastest growing minority group.
So, both candidates outlined the core tenets of their economic plans and sought to show they best relate to - and can help - voters struggling with gas prices, job layoffs and home foreclosures.
McCain made fresh promises to help small businesses prosper, make health care more affordable, improve education and free the country from its dependence on foreign oil.
"If you believe you should pay more taxes, I am the wrong candidate for you," McCain added. "Jobs are the most important thing our economy creates. When you raise taxes in a bad economy you eliminate jobs. I'm not going to let that happen."
The crowd greeted McCain warmly, applauding at several lines and giving him a respectable send-off. Later, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, one of the nation's most prominent Hispanic politicians, warmed up the crowd for Obama. It whooped and hollered throughout Obama's speech.
Obama, for his part, promised to cut taxes for small-business owners, end tax breaks for companies that "ship jobs overseas," solve the housing crisis, help struggling homeowners and invest in infrastructure to create new construction jobs.
He also laced his speech with criticism of McCain's economic plans. He also accused the Republican anew of backing off comprehensive immigration reform, saying McCain "abandoned his courageous stance" during the primary season.
"For eight long years, we've had a president who made all kinds of promises to Latinos on the campaign trail, but failed to live up to them in the White House, and we can't afford that anymore," Obama said. "We need a president who isn't going to walk away from something as important as comprehensive reform when it becomes politically unpopular."
Last month, during separate appearances at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials conference, McCain and Obama pledged to make overhauling the country's immigration policy a priority. McCain assured that audience that he wouldn't pursue the enforcement-only approach sought by hard-line GOP conservatives, while Obama accused McCain of walking away from comprehensive immigration reform.
Both candidates support a temporary worker program and eventual path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the country illegally. But after a comprehensive Senate bill failed last summer amid coast-to-coast public outcry that split the GOP, McCain has emphasized that the borders must be secure first before people will accept other reforms.
The two are to speak to the National Council of La Raza annual conference in San Diego on Sunday and Monday.
Both are making aggressive plays for this Democratic-leaning group that could tip the balance in battleground states of Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and elsewhere.
Obama was blunt about their importance: "This election could well be decided by Latino voters." He recalled that in the 2004 presidential election 40,000 Latinos registered to vote in New Mexico didn't turn out on Election Day, and Democrat John Kerry lost the state by less than 6,000 votes.
A recent AP-Yahoo News poll showed that Obama leads McCain among Hispanics, 47 percent to 22 percent with 26 percent undecided.
Still, Obama, who would become the first black president if elected, doesn't have a lock on Hispanics. During the Democratic primaries, Hispanics preferred rival Hillary Rodham Clinton to Obama by nearly 2-to-1.
McCain senses an opportunity based on his links to the West and Republican inroads four years ago.
President Bush captured about 40 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004, to Kerry's 58 percent, down from the 62 percent former Vice President Al Gore got in 2000. Still, in the 2006 congressional elections, Democrats scored their biggest win among Hispanics since 1996.
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