The Thoughts of Black Men
The Thoughts Of Black Men & Family
"The House Of A Foundational Purpose"
A safe place that is designed for the purpose of renewing thoughts in which one can gain knowledge through values, morals, and understanding....
TBM Colors: Black, White and Gold.
Aim: For the year 2008 represents the beginning: "TBM AIM" for 2008 is- The beginning of breaking down the traditional patterns, and establishing planting the seed of renewing positive thoughts, in which one cans relate to, to grow effectively in the harvest of unity, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
Mission Statement:
TBM- 2008 Seeds Of Foundational Purpose
1- Dedication.
2- Loyalty.
3- Commitment.
4- Compassion.
5- Responsibility.
6- Trust.
7- Love.
8- Guidance.
9- Determination.
10- Accountability.
Mission Statement Meanings:
1- Dedication- The act to dedication or the state of being dedicated.
2- Loyalty- The state or quality of being loyal.
3- Commitment- The act of committing.
4- Compassion- The deep feeling of sharing the suffering of another, together with the inclination to give aid or support.
5- Responsibility- The state , quality or fact of being responsible.
6- Trust- Confidence in the integrity, ability, character, and truth of a person or thing.
7- Love- An intense affection for another person based on familiar or personal ties.
8- Guidance- An act or instance of guiding; Counseling as on vocational education, or marital problems.
9- Determination- The act deciding and firmly.
10- Accountability- To take into account....
Starting in January- 2008
1- To establish better ways of communication:
(A)- Conference Call- On Thursday Nights. (For the Entire Family)
(1)- Online Video Email
(2)- Personal Meeting for Private Conversation.
(3)- Our Web site-
(4)- Our News letter.
(5)- Word by mouth- (tell your family and friends about TBM)
Through the advantage of having the conference call, we will create outlets of building a better relationship to bring knowledgeable information by- personal experiences, guest speakers, training techniques teachable within the house of TBM
2- Finance & Budget:
(A) Building Wealth-
(1)- TBM Clothing Line-
Additional up grade on Product:
(A)- Tee- Shirts & Hats- (Now Are Completed)
(B)- Pull Over Winter TBM Shirts.
(C)- Women's TBM Blouse's.
(D)- Winter TBM Hats.
(E)- TBM Belt & Buckle. (Now in progress)
(F)- TBM Jacket. ( Now in progress)
(G)- TBM Sneaker Line. (Now in progress)
Through the dedication and the commitment of every TBM Member, we can further advance in the purpose of building wealth to reach the potentials and the needs of accomplishments.
(2)- TBM Production Company- To provided ways of Advertisement
(A)- New talent Research.
(B)- Broadcast Educational News.
(C)- Give opportunities to expose talents & events
(E)- Create constructive ideas to conduct positive awareness.
Plan for 2008:
1- Electing of Officials..
(A) Asst- Vice
(B)- Event Planner.
(C)- Accountant.
(D)- Public Relations
(E)- Lawyer- Legal Dept.
(F)- Web designer.
(G)- Correspondence Secretary.
(H)- Representative of each State.
(I)- Men at Arms..
2- Prioritizing the functions of the officials..
3- TBM News Letter- Informative news to transport across country
4- TBM Conference- Guest Speakers to impart knowledge of wealth, relationship, etc
5- Operation Outreach- TBM would like to establish an across the country "TOUR", Where we can meet FACE TO FACE as an overhaul meeting to evaluate the concerns of reaching the hearts and minds of our nation.
To visit prison facilities...
To show unity and support to other positive organizations..
6- Our Children Matter- Being a support to our children, to set up
Baseball & Basketball Teams..
Educational Weekend Summits for teens- Poncho's, ski trips, swimming classes, Fitness, and Dance Classes's.
**Education Mentorship Development Conference- To have a weekend trip spent with our children to prepare and aware the importance of going back to school and getting their education.
Parent and Child awareness in knowing how to listen to your children, to build the relationship of the family hood by evaluating the needs of the family...
Having Guest Speakers & Artisit to deposit the connection in education and keeping the family united..
7- TBM Family Outing- Location not decided as yet...Barbeque, performance's, etc
8- TBM 2009 Calendar Project.
9**TBM'S- The Elements of Principal and Wisdom Mentorship Class- This class is designed to mentor and give DIRECTION as a tool for guidance to impart knowledge to develop the right mind set to the adults ranging from 20 and up.
10- TBM Building- Knowing we have many talented Re-state Men is this organization who are working hard in finding property at low cost to obtain our first building starting in NY
My greatest (Teeee) desire is that we learn WHO WE ARE AS A PEOPLE!!!..That the day will come that we can employee and teach skills. That our character of compassion will grow to understand- WE CAN GET THIS DONE!!!!
None of us are PERFECT!!!..NOR do we know EVERYTHING!!!!...But there is a PRICE TO PAY when you don't have LOVE and COMPASSION IN YOUR HEART!!!!!!..
It takes work to LOVEEEEEE!! order to get an UNDERSTANDING!!!! We have to work AT IT!!! AND Forgive. "Why", because the baggage of hatred is DESTROYED and it gives us room to understand the things we could not change at that TIME!!!
We are lost, and we are bitter, and we are in POVERTY!!! Why, because we don't have UNDERSTANDING!!!! To gain knowledge to know it can change, it can get BETTER!!! And that we don't prove to ANYONE, that we are greater when we KILL ONE ANOTHER!!!
2008 is HERE!!!...Turn from your wicked WAYS!!!.. Kill the hatred in your HEART!! And develop an understanding to Help your brother & Sister. For this is the year WE begin to GAIN and not LOSE!!!..
We begin to know who WE ARE, and we have enough knowledge to know we NEED EACH OTHER!!!
I present to you our 2008 Proposal.....
The Thoughts Of Black Men-