Prayer for all individual
Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by Van Stone and Baittank Downing
There are about 40,000 individuals, practicing as Jehovah’s Witnesses, in the Philadelphia area alone. And they attend assemblies promoted by their own Elder Judge, Leadership members. Most individual practicing Jehovah’s Witnesses youth, of the ages 25 and under, are very well mannered, and are raised in honorable families. They are known to have this good reputation worldwide.
Usually JW’s youth go door to door being friendly, knocking on doors, to talk about the Lord, as singles groups, or either they’re along with their own parent. These members are well advised by their guardians to never work alone in the door to door work. Because the unsuspecting householder may, in an uncovered way, try to take advantage of them.
But because some recently suspecting householders are aware of the scandal that certain JW’s Elder Judge’s, in the West Philadelphia section of the city, are involved in, "the householder who opens their door today to visiting Jehovah’s Witnesses," says investigator John Coleman, "should say a quick prayer for JW’s elder’s to compel proper behavior in their own Kingdom Halls."
More members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are coming forth, but with anonymity, reporting to Special Investigator John Coleman, Jr., using their email, what they believe is reliable information about ongoing abusive behaviors of particular JW’s Elder’s. It is alleged that many are victims of discrimination case. Some of the victims still remain active JW’s members. But some victims are not active. A few victims are under a punishment membership stage, what JW’s call, the Disfellowshipped. Others are also under a disciplinary membership stage called, the Inactive.
JW’s members will be severely punished if they speak open about unfairness or excessiveness.
"Body of Elders at three, local Christian Congregation’s of Jehovah’s Witnesses, have been contacted about ongoing alleged abuses beginning years, ‘02 -‘06, by our Team," Coleman said. No response, yet. The names of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Elder Judge’s alleged of wrongdoing are: John Overton Sr., R. Carmichal, Herbert Brown, and Elder’s Brooks, Smith, and Hickman. "They preside at the 43rd and Haverford Avenue congregation," he said. "Also alleged to be involved are: Elder’s Vernon Brown and Wayne Stuart, presiding at the 57th and Walnut Street congregation," Coleman said. "According to an unnamed source, the third set of Judges dealing with allege of corruption are: Daniel Belton, Sr. and Charles Mathis," he said.
Coleman approximates "around early ‘02, Elder, Vernon Brown, participated in cover-up of a car insurance scam, that Brown himself supported," he said. Elder Brown ordered Disfellowshipping female JW’s member, whose maiden name is, Robinson, to silence Robinson about participation in Elder Brown’s keeping illegal dollars, he gained from a planned insurance scam. "This documentation is on the JW’s records," Coleman said. "This allegedly occurred during the time of trouble our main victim, we are referring to him as ‘the Dad,’ was having, with his estranged JW’s wife," he said. Anyone with information is asked to email