Clarence Coggins has developed an online broadcasting network that consist of radio and TV. Some really exciting things are going on these day. The link to Coggins station is http://hudsonlibert
Clarence 's Hudson is still in the developmental phases. And it is adding new
hosts and screening new guests. Coggins is also looking for advertisers
and sponsors. His shows focus around success in all it forms.
To help finance Hudson projects Clarence is offering people the book
Stop Being a Victim. To Learn more about Stop Being A Victim call
641-715-3800 access code 22553 ext 11, ext 12, ext 13, ext 14
or go directly to http://stop. hudsonliberty. com
Hudson is also using the funding method found at www.buckfiftymiracl
Clarence Coggins
1 Minute 30 Success System
Hudson Liberty Broadcast Network