Friday, February 29, 2008
'American Idol' Cuts 4 More Contestants
This image provided by Fox shows American Idol contestant Alaina Whitaker performing in front of the judges on the show airing Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008. Four aspiring singers, including Whitaker were shown the door on "American Idol" Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008 after failing to convince America that they have what it takes to win the star-making talent contest. |
NEW YORK (AP) -- Four more aspiring singers failed to convince viewers that they have what it takes to win the star-making talent contest "American Idol."
The voting public cut loose Alaina Whitaker, Jason Yeager, Robbie Carrico and Alexandrea Lushington, trimming the number of contestants to 16 Thursday night.
Whitaker, a 16-year-old from Tulsa, Okla., let out a sob after she heard the result.
"Sorry, this is so embarrassing," she told host Ryan Seacrest, who consoled her with a hug.
The other "Idol" female contestants gathered on stage to lend moral support to Whitaker as she gave a final performance of "Hopelessly Devoted to You." Several contestants wiped away tears.
"You are a gifted, bright young talent. ... This is the start of an amazing career from you," said judge Paula Abdul, who gave Whitaker a standing ovation.
Simon Cowell wasn't surprised by Yeager's exit.
"Your problem - quite simply - is that you don't stand out in the crowd at the moment," the cranky judge told Yeager, a 28-year-old single dad from Grand Prairie, Texas.
Cowell told Carrico, who sang Foreigner's "Hot Blooded," that his rocker act "just never ever felt real." Carrico, 26, from Melbourne, Fla., was part of the pop group Boyz N Girlz United.
Lushington, a 17-year-old Douglasville, Ga., resident (and a snappy dresser and favorite of judge Randy Jackson's), displayed a lack of confidence Wednesday, acting sheepish and uncomfortable onstage, following her cover of Chicago's "If You Leave Me Now." Jackson said the '70s song didn't suit her youthful style.
A standout this week was 17-year-old David Archuleta, who sang a soulful cover of "Imagine."
Brooke White, 24, also scored a glowing review from Cowell for her bare-bones performance of "You're So Vain."
Cowell joked he thought the song was about him.
"American Idol," now running three times a week, will return to a twice-weekly schedule March 11 for the elimination of the final dozen. The decision-making finale will be held in May.
On the Net:
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Missing 6-Year-Old Found Unharmed, Police Say

Baltimore city police said they've found a 6-year-old girl who had been missing since Wednesday evening.Police said that Chelsea Gilmer was found Thursday morning in an apartment in the 1700 block of East Eager Street after another relative tipped police."This morning at around 7, we received a call giving us the location of the 6- and the 13-year-old girls," said Detective Donny Moses of the Baltimore city police.A medical evaluation is currently under way, but police said the girl looks unharmed.The girl disappeared after her mother dropped her off at school on Wednesday morning. She was last seen at the Inner Harbor East Academy that's run by and housed in Sojourner Douglass College.According to police, the girl's aunt, whom the mother identified as Lashawn Livingston, 13, escaped from a girl's group home and unlawfully picked up Chelsea from school.Livingston is in police custody. It is unclear what charges she will face.City school officials said they've launched an investigation into what happened."From the school system's perspective, this was clearly a violation of established procedure. Under no circumstances should a child have left with an individual that was not known to the staff, perhaps was known to the officials at the school," said Vanessa Pyatt of Baltimore city schools.The girls mother, Paula Gross, said she's also searching for answers."I don't see how they allowed someone to come in here and remove my child without signing any paperwork -- without anybody knowing who she is," Gross said.
Lawmakers Elect First African-American Female Assembly Speaker.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Phila. Zoo Proudly Shows Off Its Latest Baby -- a Sifaka
The new baby sifaka was born February 8th, and can barely be seen clinging to his mom's stomach as she jumps around their exhibit.
Matt Goeben is assistant curator of primates. He says the Philadelphia Zoo is only the fourth zoo in the country to breed sifakas in capitivity:
"This is their first offspring (for us). And we hope that as time goes on, that the relationship between the animal keepers and the animals will solidify to the point that you can take the baby off of mom directly. Right now, you can only take the baby off of dad."
You can choose a name for the new baby sifaka at
Clinton, Obama Clash Over NAFTA, Iraq
Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., left, and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., respond to a question during a Democratic presidential debate Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008, in Cleveland. |
CLEVELAND (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama clashed over trade, health care and the war in Iraq Tuesday night in a crackling debate at close quarters one week before a pivotal group of primaries.
Charges of negative campaign tactics were high on the program, too.
Clinton said Obama's campaign had recently sent out mass mailings with false information about her health care proposal, adding, "it is almost as though the health insurance companies and the Republicans wrote it."
When it was his turn to speak, Obama said Clinton's campaign has "constantly sent out negative attacks on us ... We haven't whined about it because I understand that's the nature of these campaigns."
The tone was polite yet pointed, increasingly so as the 90-minute session wore on, a reflection of the stakes in a race in which Obama has won 11 straight primaries and caucuses and Clinton is in desperate need of a comeback.
Clinton also said as far as she knew her campaign had nothing to do with circulating a photograph of Obama wearing a white turban and a wraparound white robe presented to him by elders in Wajir, in northeastern Kenya.
"I take Senator Clinton at her word that she knew nothing about the photo," Obama said.
In one curious moment, Clinton said, "In the last several debates I seem to get the first question all the time. I don't mind. I'll be happy to field it. I just find it curious if anybody saw "Saturday Night Live," maybe we should ask Barack if he's comfortable and needs another pillow."
In its episode last Saturday, the comedy show ran a feature portraying the news media as going easy on Obama, and a questioner asking at one point if he was comfortable and needed another pillow.
The two rivals, the only survivors of a grueling primary season, sat about a foot apart at a table on stage at Cleveland State University. It was the 20th debate of the campaign, 10 months to the day after the first.
The race was far different in April 2007, Clinton the front-runner by far. Now Obama holds that place, both in terms of contests and delegates won. The two square off next Tuesday in primaries in Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island and Vermont, with 370 delegates at stake.
Both Obama and Clinton were on the receiving end of pointed questions from Tim Russert of NBC News, one of two moderators for the event.
Asked whether he was waffling on his pledge of agreeing to take federal funds for the fall campaign, Obama said he was still contesting the primaries.
"If I am the nominee I will sit down with John McCain and make sure we come up with a system that is fair to both sides," he said. Obama could presumably raise far more money than the federal system provides, but accepting government money precludes that.
The equivalent question to Clinton concerned the income tax returns that she and her husband, former President Clinton, file jointly.
"I will release my tax returns," Clinton said, if she becomes the Democratic nominee. She then added she might do so "even earlier," but not before Tuesday's primary.
The two rivals also debated NAFTA, the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico that is wildly unpopular with blue-collar workers whose votes are critical in any Democratic primary in Ohio.
Neither one said they were ready to withdraw from the agreement, although both said they would use the threat of withdrawal to pressure Mexico to make changes.
"I have said I would renegotiate NAFTA," said Clinton. "I will say to Mexico that we will opt out of NAFTA unless we renegotiate it."
Obama said Clinton has tried to have it both ways, touting the trade deal in farm states where it's popular while finding fault with it in places like Ohio.
"This is something I have been consistent about," said Obama, who said he went to the American Farm Bureau Federation to tout his opposition and used it as an issue in his 2004 Senate campaign.
"That conversation I had with the Farm Bureau, I was not ambivalent at all," said Obama.
On the war, both candidates denounced President Bush's record on Iraq, then restated long-held disagreements over which of them was more opposed.
Clinton said she and Obama had virtually identical voting records on the war since he came to the Senate in 2005.
The former first lady voted in 2002 to authorize the war, at a time when Obama was not yet in Congress. Asked whether she'd like to have the vote back, she said, "Absolutely. I've said that many times."
Obama tried to use the issue to rebut charges that he is ill-prepared to become commander in chief.
"The fact is that Senator Clinton often says that she is ready on day one, but, in fact, she was ready to give in to George Bush on day one on this critical issue," Obama said.
Clinton also stumbled at one point as she tried to pronounce the name of Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's first deputy prime minister, who is expected to win an election to succeed President Vladimir Putin on Sunday. "Whatever," she said after several attempts to demonstrate she knew his name.
Obama also sought to distance himself from an endorsement from Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, the controversial Chicago-based minister who has made numerous anti-Semitic comments in the past.
Obama said he hadn't sought the endorsement, and that he had denounced the remarks.
Clinton interjected at one point, saying that in her initial Senate campaign in New York in 2000, she was supported by a group with virulent anti-Semitic views.
"I rejected it, and said it would not be anything I would be comfortable with," she said. Clinton said rejecting support was different from denouncing it, an obvious jab at Obama.
He responded by saying he didn't see the difference, since Farrakhan hadn't done anything except declare his support. But given Clinton's comments, he said, "I happily concede the point and I would reject and denounce."
The audience applauded at that.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
UPDATE: Special Report: Brutality Of Diane White, Associate, Managing Writer & Editor, Webmaster, Philadelphia Front Page News
Special Report: Brutality Of Diane White, Associate, Managing Writer & Editor, Webmaster, Philadelphia Front Page News
You direct contribution would also be greatedly appreciated as I am also facing foreclosure on my home because I have fallen behind in my mortgage payments. Until this situation has been resolved I am not able to return to work due to security clearance requirements. I also have over $6000.00 in medical expenses as a result of back injuries sustained from the direct assault by the Harrisburg City Police Officer who instigated this entire incident. To make a direct contribution please donate at the button below. Again, keep me in your prayers and thank you all for the love and support that I have been receiving over the last 5 months. - Diane F White
Filmmaker Tim Greene To Speak At The Radisson Hotel

Re-Published: Bucks County; Chester; Philadelphia: Petition to Repeal and Complaint to Impeach Media Delaware Cournty Family Court Justices
This is a petition to do away with an unjust Pennsylvania law, concerning that when a American citizen residing in the state of Pennsylvania, is wrongfully or illegally imprisoned, for whatever said reason, that individual is not entitled to take any legal action by filing a lawsuit against the State Judicial Branch. And the individual whose innocence to the allegation or charge has been proven, after being unjustly incarcerated, is not entitled to any support or compensation concerning intentional infliction of emotional distress or malpractice. Petition to repeal the Statute of Limitations on the right to sue in cases of Abuse.
Petition to amend statute to have criminal record expunged.
This is a complaint to stop the abuse and discrimination of inmates at George Hill Facility, formerly known as Delaware County Prison. Also, this is a complaint to accuse an official(s)) before a Court (legislative body, etc.) of misconduct in office and to challenge the credibility of certain mentioned Media District Court Judges in Delaware County. (Honorable Judge Barry C. Dozer, Honorable Judge Maureen F. Fitzpatrick, Honorable Judge Michael F. X. Coll, and Honorable Master Florence Wright) These Judges have divided the County. That caused sectionalism: Persons loyal to sections and not the whole County. They are practicing with a slavery mentality by discriminating against the male gender, (mainly Black Americans who reside in both Philadelphia and Delaware County’s), White’s too, wrongfully imprisoning males using a Violation of a Protection From Abuse as a guise to Violate the Rights of the accused, and the Rights of Free Speech, and forcing them back into slavery.
In May 1865 the ratified Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States. This is a complaint by friends of concerned neighbors of, Darby Township, Chester, Philadelphia, PA, Bucks County, Yeadon, PA to stop sectionalism.
Prayer for all individual Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Usually JW’s youth go door to door being friendly, knocking on doors, to talk about the Lord, as singles groups, or either they’re along with their own parent. These members are well advised by their guardians to never work alone in the door to door work. Because the unsuspecting householder may, in an uncovered way, try to take advantage of them.
But because some recently suspecting householders are aware of the scandal that certain JW’s Elder Judge’s, in the West Philadelphia section of the city, are involved in, "the householder who opens their door today to visiting Jehovah’s Witnesses," says investigator John Coleman, "should say a quick prayer for JW’s elder’s to compel proper behavior in their own Kingdom Halls."
JW’s members will be severely punished if they speak open about unfairness or excessiveness.
Coleman approximates "around early ‘02, Elder, Vernon Brown, participated in cover-up of a car insurance scam, that Brown himself supported," he said. Elder Brown ordered Disfellowshipping female JW’s member, whose maiden name is, Robinson, to silence Robinson about participation in Elder Brown’s keeping illegal dollars, he gained from a planned insurance scam. "This documentation is on the JW’s records," Coleman said. "This allegedly occurred during the time of trouble our main victim, we are referring to him as ‘the Dad,’ was having, with his estranged JW’s wife," he said. Anyone with information is asked to email
Re-published: Probe of Justices and Jehovah’s Witnesses Menaced the Township Heats Up
Menaced the Township Heats Up
by Van Stone, Baittank Downing and Gerald McNeil (215) 747-8746
Philadelphia, PA, and MEDIA COURTHOUSE- The Tenth Amendment alleges that powers not given to the federal administration by the Constitution belong to the states or to the people. Amendment number 10 is voiced to keep the federal government from becoming too forceful.-Family Courts must obey too. Protection of rights of ones gender, man or a woman is final.
But not so today. “If you’re a Philadelphian male appearing in Media Courthouse,” says John Coleman, “especially a Black man, you cannot speak out against your Judge’s limits without fear of detainment or even possible arrest.” In Media, the positive man’s right to challenge is blocked.
More serious allegations are being made by victims of abuse of power that, males are illegally detained or arrested and may be kept in jail at the George Hill Correctional Facility for months without being told why they were detained or arrested. A person spoke on condition of anonymity about alleged ongoing racial and discriminative overtones by 4 Judges and 1 Master presiding at the Media Courthouse, Delaware County.
But the West Philadelphia Jehovah’s Witnesses Presiding Judge Elders are participating in unfairness too, according to the complainers. Both set of Judges are intertwined, publicly, in at least one case of Unfair Conduct. The case is about whether a father of 2, Accused and Judged of Indirect Violation of a Protection From Abuse Order, is really the dirty work of bigots and offenders governing as Justices.
Coleman, Special Investigator, involved within Petitions and Complaints of Community Family Issues,-a Public Watchdog group, is drawing on most recent allegations within the intertwined Media Courthouse District Court Official’s bench and the West Philadelphia Jehovah’s Witnesses Elder’s Bench conducting abusiveness to its members.
New fact findings, uncovered evidence by Coleman, details the bizarre real possibility that certain Media Judges are targeting Philadelphia Black males to jail at the Delaware County Prison. He says that, “the anonymous lead person, a married father, is the primary victim. Dad was actually in the fleeing stage from an abusive relationship with his Jehovah’s Witnesses wife, a Marcia Brown.” A person with first hand knowledge of the rocky marriage confirmed to Coleman that, the father with their 2 small children tried to end their marriage and was granted a Temporary Protection From Abuse Order in 2002 by Honorable Judge Barry C. Dozer, Media Courthouse Judge. The Courts can do only what is listed in the rules for the Judicial Branch.
The Dad and Brown are still married. Coleman, citing an unidentified source, reported that the Dad who was also caring for his brothers 2 children was suddenly punished in cruel and/or unusual ways, such as torturing him by both the Media Delaware County Family courts and the West Philadelphia Jehovah’s Witnesses courts. The Bill of Rights protects all Americans from such abuses. It appears that some Officials who preside at the Media Bench are promoting the growth of Sectionalism: They are loyal to sections and not to the whole state. Meanwhile, JW’s judicial officials pass rules to force everyone who is a member to live according to JW’s control.
According to reports and Court records, Judge Dozer, ignored testimony that, together Brown and her attorney, Pauline Manos, Esquire, Philadelphia, abused the dad by directly violating the PFA order, committing fearful acts of: making threats, stealing a weapon. With the stolen 357 magnum, Brown took their children while being prohibited from having any contact with them during the PFA and misrepresented the facts to East Lansdowne Police Department. There Manos and Brown filed a false police report indicating that the dad had made threats to harm Brown, using a stolen gun. “The father is never once implicated” as, “accused of abusing their children, says Coleman. “Not on any legal record,” he said. “Only the mom is alleged of child abuse,” according to statements made by an unnamed Upper Darby Police Officer. Allege and ongoing strong safety concerns are at the school records.
Brown admitted to all of the above offences of having attacked the father in the presence of their small children using a butcher knife, and verbally abusing the children. She also admitted to Regina Wilson’s involvement, her aunt who is also a Jehovah Witness, by hiding the gun for over 5 days while they (Brown, Wilson, and Manos) hatched out a deadly plan to use the gun against the dad.-The Dad filed for Divorce. But the admittance is on record at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, where according to an unnamed source, Brown confessed to JW’s Judge Elders, John Overton Sr., and George Smith, who presided over the hearing. “This confession was done voluntarily without the presence of the father,” says Coleman. “The Jehovah’s Witness Elders, Carmichael and Vernon Brown , evidently told her to use the gun- lie in Media, and say that she was abused by the dad,” he said. “No discipline for Brown’s loose conduct,” he said.
“We heard first hand the tape,” an unknown source said. Evidently a conversation of alleged abuse was taped. “Brown and her aunt were laughing about abusing the kids. They sounded intoxicated. She was yelling at the daughter,” an unidentified source said. The aunt is Regina Wilson, West Philadelphia resident. According to sources Brown did not ever admit, to the Judicial Elders, about having a secret affair with her attorney Manos, as the father had accused. “The dad himself accused the wife of having the lesbian affair only to the JW’s Elders-not on court proceeding transcripts,” said Coleman. Both judicial tribunal’s concern was more about her being embarrassed by such statements. The criminal acts that the wife, the attorney and aunt were alleged to have committed were ignored. Judge Fitzpatrick sent the Dad back to jail based on the (secret same sex partner relationship) insinuation alone. “We see no violation,” Coleman says. Media courts ripped the dad’s children away from him, put him in jail, and additionally misrepresented power by ordering the dad to obtain psychiatric treatment for almost 2 years. “2 Adult Board Certified Psychiatrist disagreed with the Judge’s rulings and authority,” he said.
But, according to sources, at one time during the torture, the dad had a good attorney, Pat O’Neal, Esquire. It was during her representation period that Judge Dozer was overheard referring to the dad as, “that black guy.” “Trust me, I know about them,” says Dozer, when O’Neal startled Judge Dozer about his direct breaking of the Law. O’Neal believed the Judge approved another PFA for the violent Brown against the dad for personal reasons. In September, 2004, Judge Fitzpatrick supported Dozer’s PFA against the dad: sources tell that Fitzpatrick was overheard responding to the dad’s attorney, Robert B. George’s, inquiry about a possible appeal to her decision to imprison the dad again for an Indirect Violation of Brown’s PFA, she said, “I want that N-----‘s ass in jail.” “Don’t bother to appeal,” Fitzpatrick related through her assistant. Credible? Maybe. The News Council team and myself, the lead Philadelphia Police Clergy, have forwarded this case to the American Civil Liberties Union. This is a Pennsylvanian concern. It affects males in Chester and Darby too, sources say. Email Officer Coleman at if you have a tip about-Media Courthouse or JW’s abuse.
Re-published: Special Investigator Probes Possible MEDIA COURTHOUSE- Jehovah's Witnesses, Abuse Scandal
Jehovah‘s Witnesses, Abuse Scandal
by J. Walker, and Gerald McNeil
Philadelphia, PA, and MEDIA COURTHOUSE-He lost 4 family members, survived two wrongful imprisonment, survived several violations of his Constitutional Rights, and weighed barely 190 pounds when his mother tried to bail him out of George Hill Correctional Facility, formerly known as the Delaware County Prison, in 2004. Officer Coleman, a Special Investigator, involved within petitions and complaints of Community Family Issues, - a Public Watchdog group, is drawing on most recently reports of corruption within the intertwined Media Court House District Court Officials Bench and the West Philadelphia Jehovah‘s Witnesses Leaders Bench conducting abusiveness to its’ members.
Coleman, a recent member of the Philadelphia Police Clergy, known for volunteering in the community to fight for justice for family victims (being their voice) is dedicating himself, with strong support, to tracking down 4 Delaware County Justices, 1 Court Master, 12 Jehovah‘s Witnesses (consisting of 10 JW's Elders, and 2 JW's female members), and 1 attorney. He is investigating their serious involvement in alleged discriminatory practices and illegal use of a Pennsylvania State Bench to wrongfully imprison minorities and violations of their Constitutional Rights, of particular children and their families, beginning in August 2002. In addition, involved with the allegations about these corrupt individuals, is a Home Evaluator, of the Ridley area, who has been practicing for years.
Although Coleman trained as a Chester County Housing Police Officer, he was contacted by an anonymous lead person, a father who at this time does not want his name mentioned, to investigate ongoing misconduct at the Media Courthouse, in Media, Delaware County.
"I am pursing this as a spiritual matter," says Coleman, "because it seems that the anonymous individuals attorneys have lost interest in this deeply serious matter. The victim is a devout religious father who I feel, as a ministering man of God myself, has come forward to help others." About the accusations, Coleman said, AWe are proud to take the case, no matter where it ends."
According to Coleman, the father claims that thousands of Blacks are being wrongfully imprisoned by four District Court Judges, presiding in the Media Court House, Common Pleas Court, using the friendly guise of Violation of Protection of Abuse Orders, as a means to imprison Black males and other male minorities, because of their gender and race, sentencing them to six (6) months of jail time or more, at the George Hill Correctional Facility. "Screams can be heard from far below the courtroom," says the father. "Judges are conducting Roots operations," he said.
"They are running an assembly line of Black men chained and shackled, from the courtroom, to the dark dingy jail cells, to George Hill Prison, where once you get there, you are charged to stay," the father said. The father claims those 45 men or more are thrown in a cell at the prison designed for ten. There is barely standing room in this cell while 45 men or more are forced by Correctional Officers to sleep on top of one another, even with their heads lying next to the toilet. "There is urine and human feces on the floor," the father said. "These men are kept in holding there at Intake for 5 days, sometimes more. Overcrowding a cell is illegal," says Coleman. Inmates are charged $10 a day while they remain there.
Coleman claims that the victim(s) was first sent to a Prison in September 2004 as Docket No.? by the leader of the Group, Honorable Judge Barry C. Dozor. "There is a strange partnership between Dozor and Honorable Judge Toliver, Yeadon District Court," he says. It is also alleged by the victim(s) that Judge Dozor, known to refer to himself, and by others as "The god of Delaware County," according to several unnamed sources. Dozor connects with Honorable Judges Fitzpatrick and Coll who also are responsible for injustice against Black men in the Delaware County Courthouse.
A Custody Order, dated October 20, 2003, by Master Florence Wright began the violation of the father’s and his children‘s Civil Rights when the father‘s 2 children, daughter Cheyenne, age 6 and son Samson age 2 were abruptly taken without any explanation to the father or the father’s representative. It was then when the Court underhandedly turned over the children to the abusive Defendant, mother Marcia Brown, along with the maternal aunt, Regina Wilson. Both women are active Jehovah’s Witnesses of West Philadelphia area. Brown‘s then same sex partner, Pauline Manos, a former attorney at Philadelphia Center City Law firm, Fieldman and Pinto, were partners in the gun violence crime.
The Christian Congregation of Jehovah‘s Witnesses, located at 57th and Walnut Street and 43rd and Haverford Avenue, both in West Philly, became officially involved in February, 2004. The JW's Religious Order and several of its Philadelphia Congregation Leaders called Elders began witness intimidation tactics on all who might report Brown. a wife and mother carrying on a secret affair with attorney, companion Manos. Brown’s acts of gun violence threat, using a .357 Magnum gun and her abusive acts toward the dad, and their 2 children became suddenly exposed. In the Elder‘s effort to cover-up the ongoing embarrassment together they manipulated the congregation under the Church’s friendly guise of its Judicial Tribunal decisions called Disfellowshipping.
"The father and several others were wrongfully Judged both in the JW's court and the MEDIA COURTHOUSE," Coleman claims. "JW's are notorious for being taken to Court about child sexual abuse. I‘m not surprised of the attempt to cover-up," he said. "The only thing that can help the dad and others now is the free press," Coleman said.
Coleman says, "because of the serious nature of the matter, it being illegal to protest or boycott at any Court building, I am seeking the teamwork of Delaware County Senators and news media to help move this to justice." If the scandal breaks to a national level, Coleman wants others who love Philadelphia to help breaking the story. "People from Philly County that visit Media are being mistreated based on Delaware County creating the silly notion that, Philly is beneath Media," he said. "That is absolutely false," Coleman said.
Meanwhile he says that he is planning to contact other reputable people for assistance like reporter for the Delaware County Times, Marlene Digiacomo, known for doing stories on the MEDIA COURTHOUSE, and also the Philadelphia NAACP head J. Whyatt Mondesire, - Mondesire is the publisher of the Philadelphia Sun.
According to Coleman, as the investigation goes on smoothly, "names of the JW's Elders will be brought out in the Spotlight." He says, "right now the Court Judges and the Master are the focal point that needs to be immediately addressed to try and get the Media District Court cleaned up, as I know we can. I don’t think that any just Justice in any County would appreciate a Judge bragging about themselves being a god in Delaware County," he said. Coleman also comments, "This Judge is obviously operating by instilling fear amongst his peers. We shall see how the Real God sees that!"
Coleman feels the father was exonerated to return to society, but to Coleman, he is convinced that Judge Dozor intentionally attempted to prevent the dad and others from finding jobs. Also, he feels others have knowledge of the Delaware Courts abuse and JW's abuse. He wants anyone with special information about mistreatment at the MEDIA COURTHOUSE to contact him only at: "Any information that may be helpful will remain confidential," Coleman said.
Re-published: New Public School Black-History: Hope To Be Included, From Slavery and Religion To Freedom Written by Van Stone and Baittank Lofton
Hope To Be Included,
From Slavery and Religion To Freedom
Written by Van Stone and Baittank Lofton
Would the slave trade have been outlawed before 1880 if it had not been for what is known as the Haitian Revolution? Would the escaped slave Frederick Douglass, eventually assumed of his generation the most highly regarded of the Black male abolitionists, have been in the world wide publishing work before 1846 for what he felt was God’s Kingdom to Come on earth if there were no Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society?
What about the Black female conductors during the 1800's such as Harriet Tubman, who made dozens of trips into the South, carrying a gun with her and making contact with slaves who wanted to flee slavery? How many understand that Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 is the most famous school desegregation case, but lawful challenges calling for desegregation had been filed as early as 1849?
Parents and their school kids have to consider the importance of true history, even if it’s particularly about the Chapel, Black Americans, American Indians, Free Masons and Constitutional Law, before, during and after the civil war because as Americans, we the people are to be sovereign. And if we are to be sovereign, division in any form must be exposed and cut short so that diversity must stand. What we don’t quite understand about civil rights or the amendments of the 1800's will have direct affects on our public life.
Imagine the goal of children attending public schools in Philadelphia having the choice to learn new African-American History points discovering other American beliefs, tested and supported, as to how and why our country’s founders fought so hard to advise us to believe in the liberty of conscience and to accept immigrants and religious diversity. Shall we dare dream?
The most pertinent issues of African American History such as Politics, the Black Codes, 1865-66, Laws, the Supreme Court Decisions of judicial override, racial divisions as to who was not considered a federal citizen and who was thought to be a state citizen are not being taught. Teachers and students do not consider these issues to be of value to their daily lives.
Youth need to know about exciting people of the past so that they themselves can become heroes of our future. Perhaps they should learn about Spiritual minded people like Frederick Douglas, 1845, a Black man, a devout Christian leader slave who went on to write a book about his experiences, or John Brown, 1859, a white man, a devout Christian leader of a religious minority group, who believed he was chosen by God to end slavery, or Joseph Smith, 1823, a white man, a devout Mormon Christian leader of a faith group, who believed he was appointed by Jehovah God to preach door to door about a kingdom and a faithful and discreet class of anointed followers who desired a Zion paradise on earth and in heaven.
Or Charles Taze Russell, a white man, a devout Jehovah’s Witness Christian plagiarist leader, who used the thoughts of a group "the latter saints," representing them as his own original work while creating a scandal due to his bigotry philosophy about Blacks, Jews, Indian people and all individuals who did not accept his views of his prophecy unfulfilled.
Youngsters who are trying to prepare themselves for public life, the chapel as well as what they desire to be when they grow up will continue to be confused about what role history played in setting the standard for pop culture today.
And what contribution or legacy, if any at all, will kids create now for our State based on what is true history about African Americans, White Americans, Native Americans or any other American?
Students need to find the truth to questions dealing with the ‘who was who’ in U.S. history. Straight-up, should the truth about American history be told to children by their parents that American history is Uncanny, Unbalanced or just plain Un-American? Did it really take diversity to help save African Americans or did they get it done all by themselves? Does God really bless those who help themselves as kids are told by chaplains? Or does history through the eyes of what occurred to Blacks show that going to the chapel on any given day of the week has very little to do with anyone being guided by the Power of Assistance?
Public school teachers are well equipped to instruct students about past Nations like the Black Seminoles. They were former Black runaways eventually bonding with Indian survivors of local wars. They created a new ethnic group. Black Indians, as their title, descends through their eldest fathers and mothers. Students may learn how this might apply to the United Nations today and their relationship with our own land.
As both students and parents are considering what is true American history they will discover what is true religious history as it relates to Black-History during the present and back to the past. Was there racism, cultism or over righteousness involving any religious community before, during or after the civil war? If so, how does this compare to religious tolerances today such as child sex abuse, prohibiting the free exercise of other’s religion?
As for faith-based groups like Catholicism, where the supreme head directs members to use scripture other than from the King James Version, the Baptist, spiritual leaders baptizing believers to a new start by immersing them in water, Methodists, a denomination that grew out of the teachings of John Wesley, the Presbyter, an elder in the early Christian church, and Jewish or Moslems, each having officers appointed by a government to further the interest of their own country based on the Torah and Koranic revelations, what was the issue with them during the civil war? Who cared and who did not? Today, students inquire whether faith-based groups were possibly portraying themselves as - teaching that faith is keeping oneself separate from the State government. Nevertheless in disguise, the church is also secretly being very alive in the State’s work. What a lesson, the truth right out of the history book, so that kids can become thinkers for themselves.
Or where else can students find out about the Bible Law government during the time of the early 1800's till our time? Who were the religious leaders and what were they doing to engage the importance of religious diversity then as it is important today? What religious groups, although minority, did not accept Blacks into their chapel at all based on the church supporting the "Jim Crow "system and the United States during the 1800's?
Tying past facts with what is happening today students can find in African American History subjects that while for over one hundred years the JW’s organization Elders tell the Witnesses to regard the United Nations as "a most powerful Agent of Satan the Devil"named in the Book of Revelation-teaching its extreme opposition to the UN. JW had been secretly affiliated to the UN as a non-governmental organization from 1991 to 2001. The Watchtower sat on the UN’s website as one of 1,500 accredited Non-Government Organization’s.
What is interesting about this is in history students are taken aback examining the Jehovah’s Witnesses Christians, people and politics during the civil war. They’ll learn that understanding the ordinary democratic process being allowed to take its course, while both Frederick Douglass’s and President Abraham Lincoln’s early views on the civil war differed. The founder of the JW’s, Charles Taze Russell, had no view at all on the civil war. How could he?
At the very height of leaders discussing the issue at hand, to save the Union or freeing any slave, or to save the nation, young Russell born 1852 was only but ten years old. Their young leader, like many others never met Douglass nor Lincoln to discuss or understand the issues of that 1800 to 1900 generation.
And unlike Jesus, according to the Gospel, who was but a teen himself when discussing the issues of his generation, slavery, law, people and events leading to the last days, the prophet who never left any doubt that his title descends through his eldest brothers, Russell appeared on the scene through no descendants of holiness. However, Russell highly claimed that he and those who must be followers of him during the late 1800's until present were basically to be compared equal with the Christ.
Many have died for the cause to stop evil and slavery, both white and Black alike. Students have heard of these persons and their greatness when they walked the earth until they past away. But few have heard of Russell. Regardless of this fact, Russell and other little known folks who were involved in some form or act of another during Black History should be learned about. If teachers are willing to include this as a part of African American history, regardless of the student’s ethnic background, school this year will be at least interesting. What student would want to cut this class?
Even the student who doesn’t seem to want to learn will find fascinating that in 1852, called by Lincoln "the little woman who started the Civil War," Harriet Beecher Stowe, a white woman, contributed to the abolitionist movement to stop the violation of the sovereign peoples consciences and hence their religious liberty and freedom of mind - Russell was opposed to this kind of faith. Russell supported a no freedom of your own mind policy - to question anything he as Jehovah’s Prophet says, meant disfellowshipping. This is how it was while publishing his Zion’s Watchtower magazine in 1880. Contrary to coerced faith, by publishing Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Stowe’s Cabin was a denouncement of slavery. Stowe had long heard about the magazine, Zion’s Watchman, in the early 1830's, it being published long before Russell was even born. Fortunately for many Blacks today, she had faith in diversity.
True history reports tell us that in the blue and red States many people, more than we realize, believed that Black Americans were human beings with feelings just like any other human is. And slavery is an inhuman institution that can be easily practiced by those who desire others to follow their social or religious views. And dangerous folks demand that their view go unquestioned, untested and unsupported. To them, according to what they say is Biblical law or Constitutional law, their word is the law. And that is the end of that. Members are told to obey. Don’t object. However, school students can object.
There were many cults and groups during moments in Black History. True, everyone didn’t have the History Channel or Cable to find out about these types of things. But our students do have schools. The question is how many students are aware that 16 or more of our founding fathers, including George Washington himself, was a member of the Free Masons? What part did being a Free Mason play in leading to the end of slavery?
Still focusing on the 1800's to the 1900's students may not know that hateful people misused and deceived many others to believe that Blacks were meant to be slaves based on pure Bible law, as they interpreted the Word. And that Blacks were thought to be lessor than most on the face of the earth. This view was practiced as part of the many so-called one true religion on earth, where there was no room for religious diversity.
This teaching was a part of the "Ku Klux Klan Empire as well as other religious faith-based empires, such as Russell’s "International Bible Students", Jehovah’s empire on earth, as JW’s were formerly called in the 1800's. Although most knew that the first Black child baptized in English America was christened William in the church of England at Jamestown as early as 1624. At that time, by English law that child became free with the baptism. Few students today know that England was hot for freedom.
JW’‘s individual members were taught then, in the late 1800's and still today that there is no room on this earth for any other religion but theirs. Diversity is not an option. All others will be destroyed during the Great Tribulation climaxed at Armageddon. Far more interesting is that this Armageddon is the basic word for word interpretation that was part of Joseph Smith, the Mormon’s act of revealing back in 1823, long before the Confederate States of America formed. As for this end itself, Blacks were not to be a part of the joyous ending even if Elijah Abel, a Black man, had been converted in 1832 as a Mormon.
Thus far though, what is missing from Black History and history in general is what was 9 year-old Russell and his fellow contestants doing then when many claimed that holy covenants were being made before, during and after the Civil War. This was the war, viewed most likely by many right down to those who survived it, as their Armageddon. Again, history asked, based on written similarity, could it be that Russell’s 1874 Armageddon is convenient to the Joseph Smith’s and his contemporary Brigham Young’s 1848 Armageddon? Students should feel free to find out if history of Blacks, slavery and the chapel repeats itself. How can people who aren’t contemporaries Awake to the same vision yet call the other a false act?
Today, the affects of the child sex scandal that engulfed majority religious groups has not bypassed the Jehovah’s Witnesses no matter what we know about its relation to Black history. JW’s and child sex abuse too is an international lewd problem amongst the church’s anointed and appointed class.
While the title Elder and the JW’s can be traced as far back in Black History to the Mormons chapel or even the church of England, the title Elder has never been divinely exclusive to One divine organization as many try to claim. It is no wonder that eventually the State had to step in during the 1800's and use supreme might to expose loose conduct of leaders, claimers of prophetic inspiration, predicting future events of mass slaughter. Leaders used their own writings in addition to the biblical law as their ax to grind members. Today cult leaders pop-up again copy-catting off of other’s past scheme to be successful. Acts of abusing children and getting away with it in the name of the Lord persist. History will tell on them.
Some people belonging to the church show that certain things will never change. Amazingly historical records were kept of whomever did the horrible acts of child abuse right in their chapel. Methods of protecting abuse by not reporting the persons who were pedophiles was the norm. In the 1800's Clergy heads were making threats, and punishing all Blacks who even thought about testifying against whites as witnesses for the victim. This was a warning to whites or Blacks who might speak out, tell police or question the Clergy’s opinion that keeping confession of the child abuser is the Holy God’s instruction. The scriptural decision was directly from the One they looked to as God Almighty. Many victims died.
It was once illegal for Blacks to go to court against a white person for any reason in the 1800's. So majority religions today, including JW’s, will punish both Its’ white and Black members if they question why its’ leaders refuse to allow the sovereign people of the State to examine records of child molesters who are in their mist. Child molestation confession is taught as holy confidential talk to Elders. The power to not tell is theirs, the Elders, and theirs alone. The victims and their families must suffer. Wait on Jah, they say to the victims. The Elders are the wrongdoers. As for their sex acts, Jah who will bring it out- Not the church.
Any church who operates like the church of the past in this way are very successful at covering up child sex abuse. Based on what happened during the Black History struggles of the 1800's, organized religion got recognized with the federal government for their own leadership purposes, not to teach.
In those times the religion that secretly supported a fundamental concept of American constitutional law, separation between church and State and the U.S. should remove Indians from their land, as well that Blacks should pay a fee for their freedom- could openly proceed in crime.
Today, because of history Secular courts have set themselves up to be basically defenseless against organized religion no matter what faith they call themselves. Anointed or appointed leaders of the church are aware that even the Supreme Court has no power to review church decisions nor church records.
Frightfully, this is how victims in the 1800's attempted to take the law into their own hands to stop the abuse of other’s rights. Yes, white, Indian or Black some even fought with their lives, if they had to, against the governmental authorities and lost. This was the case during John Brown’s time. Today students can understand why Brown, a white man, with fewer than fifty men, attacked the U.S. arsenal in Harpers Ferry launching an attack on Virginia slave-holders. The Supreme Court was for slavery.
Brown found that the Supreme Court stood by and did nothing to assist the Black or white abuse victims when the matter involved children and the church. Brown felt that churches supporting murder and mayhem and molestation had gotten themselves recognized with the federal government. The prophets could promote their hatred of diversity. Brown taught that the North and South federal government was unbalanced.
Nevertheless, it was Brown who was sentenced to death by hanging while the abusive chapel leaders roamed free to attend the church. Many church leaders called ministers were transferred to another church site only to be in a position to abuse again and again. Blood of white and Black freedom fighters spilled.
Not only is it a fact that Black History explores a host of majority religious groups and the JW’s years of secretly bonding with the federal government to kill, more shocking is evidence found that the International Bible Society and its presidents supported the aims of most bigot military States.
History repeated if self again in the early 1900's when majority Christian groups, such as the JW’s 2nd and 3rd presidents supported the aims of the Third Reich. This was by far Un-American.
"There is evidence of the Watchtower JW’s letter to Hitler sent on or in the following June 25, 1933, and public statements made about anti-Semitism and bigotry against Black Americans in articles of the 1934 Watchtower and in the 1934 Year Book of Jehovah’s Witnesses" during moments in Black History as an official statement of the Watch Tower Society. Yet, very young Blacks and whites stood against Hitler.
Learning detailed information about African American History and not just an overview in the public school will help students and their parents to find that sharing remorse of other’s sufferings is a must if we desire to end acts of hate. Today the moral urgency is to assist our neighbors. Who will learn to understand cultural and religious way of life differentiate truthfully unless teachers are using the tools of history as their guide. Students need to know that uncanny individuals are a part of American history.
When students are given the full version of history and are allowed to use their own minds to question all documentary history of Black Americans, religions and freedom their future will be a true future of diversity. Every student each year should look forward to having history as a course if the above facts in history and many more facts that are not mentioned here about history is taught during their school year.
Phila. Managing Director to Hold Meetings on 3-1-1
That 3-1-1 call system planned for Philadelphia, which we told you about Monday, has a second key component -- an early warning system dubbed "PhillyStat." PhillyStat is a series of regular meetings to be chaired by the new Managing Director, Camille Barnett. She says department heads will crunch numbers and analyze types of calls that come in to 3-1-1: "So what we'll look for are ways to describe our performance, and measure our performance, in a way that matters to citizens. We'll spot trends over time. It will be an early warning system for complaints and concerns." Barnett has already started the PhillyStat meetings, even if 3-1-1 is not expected until year's end. She says the meetings will be open to the public and eventually carried live on the city's cable channel. |
Sen. Dodd to Endorse Ex-Rival Obama
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at a rally Monday, Feb. 25, 2008, in Dayton, Ohio. |
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut plans to endorse former presidential rival Barack Obama.
Dodd will endorse his colleague, a senator from Illinois, in Cleveland on Tuesday, according to a Democratic official close to Dodd who requested anonymity because no formal announcement had been made.
Dodd's support, coupled with his liberal credentials, could provide a boost for Obama as major contests near in big states such as Ohio and Texas on March 4. Obama has won some key Democratic endorsements in recent weeks, including Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, a close friend of Dodd.
Obama and rival Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton had been vying for Dodd's support since he exited the presidential race after a poor showing in the Iowa caucus last month. Dodd, 63, who won his Senate seat in 1980 and chaired the Democratic National Committee from 1995-1996, has long-standing ties to the Clintons.
Dodd is a "superdelegate," one of nearly 800 Democratic officeholders and party officials who automatically attend the national convention and can vote for whomever they choose. They have become an important force in the close race between Clinton and Obama, and both candidates are lobbying hard for their support.
During the campaign, Dodd cast himself as an experienced leader who unites people. He stressed his long Senate career, foreign policy experience and work on education and children's issues. But his long-shot candidacy, overshadowed by the huge campaign accounts and star power of Clinton and Obama, never caught fire.
Still, Dodd's popularity with liberal voters could benefit Obama on both domestic and foreign policy issues.
Dodd voted in 2002 to authorize military intervention in Iraq, but has become an outspoken critic of the war and now calls his vote a mistake. He has said he would oppose an escalation of U.S. forces in Iraq and has said Congress should consider withholding funding for such a troop increase.
Dodd also could help Obama with Hispanic voters. A fluent Spanish speaker, Dodd served in the Peace Corps in a rural village in Dominican Republic from 1966-68 and has had a strong interest in Latin American affairs throughout his career.
Since his election to the House in 1974, Dodd has forged strong ties with labor unions, tried impose fiscal accountability on corporations and championed family and children's issues. He chairs the powerful Senate Banking Committee.
Dodd was the chief Senate sponsor of the 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act, which allows workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the birth or adoption of a child, or to tend to a personal or family illness.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Car Crashes Into Bus Stop; Four Injured

Car Crashes Into Bus Stop; Four Injured
Officials say a car veered into a bus stop Monday afternoon and slammed into four people.
The incident happened near University Avenue and Pryor Street in southwest Atlanta just before 3:30 p.m.
Atlanta Police Department said three juveniles were in a stolen vehicle and panicked when a police car just happened to pull up behind them. Authorities said the driver sped off and lost control. They said one suspect is in custody and they are looking for two more.
Atlanta Fire Department said four people were injured. One male and one female victim were brought to Atlanta Medical Center and both are listed in good condition. Grady Memorial Hospital also has two victims and they are listed in fair condition.
Diver Attacked By Shark Off Fort Lauderdale Dies

Diver Attacked By Shark Off Fort Lauderdale Dies
An Austrian tourist died Monday after being bitten by a shark while diving near the Bahamas in waters that had been baited with bloody fish parts to attract the predators.
Markus Groh, 49, a Vienna lawyer and diving enthusiast, was on a commercial dive trip Sunday when he was bitten about 50 miles off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, said Karlick Arthur, Austrian counsel general in Miami.
The crew aboard the Shear Water, of Riviera Beach-based Scuba Adventures, immediately called the U.S. Coast Guard, which received a mayday from the vessel at about 10 a.m., said Petty Officer 3rd Class Nick Ameen.
The Coast Guard sent a helicopter to the scene, which hoisted Groh from the boat and flew him to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, where authorities said he died Monday.
Ameen said the man was bitten on the leg, but he could not be more specific about the extent of his injuries.
The Miami-Dade Medical Examiner's Office declined to comment, citing an ongoing investigation by the Miami-Dade Police Department. A telephone message left for police was not immediately returned.
A woman who answered the telephone at Scuba Adventures on Monday said the company had no comment.
The company's Web site says it offers the opportunity to get "face to face" with sharks. The site explains that its hammerhead and tiger shark expeditions in the Bahamas are "unique shark trips ... run exclusively for shark enthusiasts and photographers."
To ensure "the best results we will be 'chumming' the water with fish and fish parts," the Web site explains. "Consequently, there will be food in the water at the same time as the divers. Please be aware that these are not 'cage' dives, they are open water experiences."
The shark got away before anybody could identify what type it was.
Click here
to learn more about shark bite statistics from the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Clarence Coggins III

Clarence Noman Minor Coggins III,
Born Jersey City, NJ
Mother Agatha Coggins
Father Clarence Carl Coggins
Graduated Kean University BA in Economics
Taught Computer Science at the Chad Science Academy in Newark
Consulted and Served in different capacities for various corporate and government agencies:
City of Newark Municipal Council
First Fidelity Bank
Related Management
State of New Jersey
American Express
Doctrine of Upliftment for Black Student Governance,
My First and Last of the 20th Century, (under pen name Currency D' Bluntworks)
1 Minute 30 Day Success System
Currently Coggins is helping people learn how to brand themselves and develop their own proprietary projects. He is currently working with the Business Models provided with the Online Business Alliance and Buck Fifty
He also is developing the Hudson Liberty Broadcast Network. He is running two online radio channels and two live streaming webcast.
His latest project is the 1 Minute 30 Day Success System Outline $2495 which people a Step by Step guide to Making Money using Youtube and Social Networking Sites.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hudson with Clarence Coggins
Clarence Coggins has developed an online broadcasting network that consist of radio and TV. Some really exciting things are going on these day. The link to Coggins station is http://hudsonlibert
Clarence 's Hudson is still in the developmental phases. And it is adding new
hosts and screening new guests. Coggins is also looking for advertisers
and sponsors. His shows focus around success in all it forms.
To help finance Hudson projects Clarence is offering people the book
Stop Being a Victim. To Learn more about Stop Being A Victim call
641-715-3800 access code 22553 ext 11, ext 12, ext 13, ext 14
or go directly to http://stop. hudsonliberty. com
Hudson is also using the funding method found at www.buckfiftymiracl
Clarence Coggins
1 Minute 30 Success System
Hudson Liberty Broadcast Network
Chiney Ogwumike
A mask protecting her broken nose, Chiney Ogwumike is on the move.
HOUSTON, Tex. - This year’s Texas 5A Region 3 (Houston) Championship has been headlined not by the favorites or expected matchups but by McDonald's All-American performances from two of the state’s own such honorees. Spectacular Friday night outings by Cinco Ranch’s Briana Gilbreath (USC) and Cy-Fair’s Nneka Ogwumike (Stanford) set the stage for Saturday's showdown for a berth in the state semifinals.
Briana Gilbreath was on fire, scoring 26
for Cinco Ranch.
The two teams' strength’s are nearly opposite. Cinco Ranch of Katy, Texas, has a guard tandem leading the way with Gilbreath and fellow senior Kelsey Clinch, while Cy-Fair of Cypress, Texas, sports perhaps the best frontcourt in the country with sisters Chiney and Nneka Ogwumike.
The two teams have played twice already this season, once in preseason play with Cinco Ranch winning the first meeting at Cy-Fair 54-46 and Cy-Fair the second at the Katy ISD tournament 60-37. Cy-Fair did not have the services of either Ogwumike in the first game because they were fulfilling their obligation to the school’s volleyball team.
Most would expect Cy-Fair to win Saturday, but not many would have picked Cinco Ranch to make it this far. Cinco Ranch lost seven games this year yet is playing its best basketball of the season. Cy-Fair was taken to the wire by Dulles, escaping with a 66-60 victory.
Cy-Fair was led by Nneka Ogwumike who scored 26 points and put constant pressure on Dulles, both on the inside where she made 10 of 13 shots, and on the outside where she knocked down one of her two three-point attempts as well as made important post entry passes to sister, Chiney.
In the semifinals, Gilbreath played a near perfect game for a program that had never reached the regional semis let alone the championship. Gilbreath scored 26 points, grabbed nine rebounds, blocked four shots and snatched three steals in Cinco Ranch’s 63-50 victory.
The final spread was not indicative of the back-and-forth battle. The brilliance in Gilbreath’s performance was that she not only doubled her scoring average but she did it when her team needed it most.
Nneka Ogwumike led Cy-Fair with 26
After a 14-14 tie after one quarter, Marshall came out blazing, putting the heat on Cinco Ranch on both ends of the floor. With Marshall threatening to make a run and open the game up Gilbreath stepped up with 12 of her 26 points in the quarter to give her team a two-point halftime lead. She capped that off with eight points in the fourth quarter in which Cinco Ranch outscored Marshall 19-9 to seal the victory.
Gilbreath was on fire from the three-point arc and took advantage of her height and length on both ends of the floor and played a truly complete game. In the championship she will have to lead the way again and will likely be asked to take her turn guarding both Ogwumikes. Expect the same from Nneka Ogwumike, who will need to provide the interior dominance as well as individual defensive effort against Gilbreath.
Gilbreath is a smart enough player that a half-hearted effort to deny her the basketball will fail as Marshall found out. Marshall attempted to face-guard the 6-foot-1 senior guard with several players but none showed the vigor and relentlessness needed to keep a taller, more experienced player from catching the ball. Marshall also never sent a second defender at Gilbreath once she caught the ball. In the finale Saturday I expect that to change.
For Cinco Ranch, its defensive success came virtue of a 1-3-1 half-court zone. This defense has one guard picking the ball up at half court and forcing them to one side of the court with three defenders stretched across the next level and one post defender in the back near the baseline. It showed this both as a trap and as quarter-court defense. Against Cy-Fair with both Ogwumike’s being able to see and pass over the top of the defense it is unlikely the defense will extend out past the top of the key. The second level of defense will most likely stretch across the free-throw line to both wings with a player denying the high post and two wing defenders taking away the easy pass. Cy-Fair is not a great three-point shooting team and Cinco Ranch will look to make them beat it beat them from deep rather than in the paint.
Marshall's Carolyn Baker blocks a shot by
Kelsey Clinch of Cinco Ranch.
Cy-Fair is very successful at entering the ball into either Ogwumike from the high post and the smaller Cinco Ranch team cannot allow the ball to get to that spot. Dulles was successful in stretches and forced the pass to come from further away which meant the ball was in the air longer and gave the pesky defenders a chance to tip or intercept it. Cy-Fair countered by having Nneka Ogwumike enter the ball into the post from the top of the key. Cy-Fair will not have to deal with an imposing post force as it did against Dulles with Kelsey Bone, the No. 1 ranked junior in the country according to Bone scored 16 points in the game, but a stifling defense from Cy-Fair limited her touches near the basket and if she did catch it close she had at least two defenders on her.
Most teams are lucky to have one player of either of the Ogwumike’s ability yet Cinco Ranch will have to defend both Nneka and Chiney without a player of their size and athleticism. In addition they will need to keep senior guards Mansa El and Nichole Morris from collapsing their zone with dribble penetration.
The cards are all on the table and Saturday the two teams will play there hand and one team will have the chance to play for the Texas 5A state championship in March.
Cy-Fair's Mansa El uses teammate Nneka Ogwumike to shield her from Dulles' Kelsey Bone.
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You agree to indemnify and hold harmless FPN/VSP®, its subsidiaries, and affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, legal representatives, agents, successors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, actions, demands, causes of action and other proceedings arising from or concerning your use of the Services (collectively, "Claims") and to reimburse them on demand for any losses, costs, judgments, fees, fines and other expenses they incur (including attorneys' fees and litigation costs) as a result of any Claims.
The Website is © 2009 by VSP®, or its designers. All rights reserved. Your rights with respect to use of the Website and Services are governed by the Terms and all applicable laws, including but not limited to intellectual property laws.
Any contact information for troops overseas and/or soldiers at home provided to you by FPN/VSP® is specifically and solely for your individual use in connection with the services provide by Van Stone Productions Foundation VSP.
FPN/VSP® soldiers contact information for any other purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, copying and/or storing by any means (manually, electronically, mechanically, or otherwise) not expressly authorized by FPN/VSP is strictly prohibited. Additionally, use of FPN/VSP® contact information for any solicitation or recruiting purpose, or any other private, commercial, political, or religious mailing, or any other form of communication not expressly authorized by FPN/VSP® is strictly prohibited.