As - Salaam Alaikum
Many citizens of this country only have bits and pieces of the history of the African American Muslim. What we do have has been obtained from various groups or individuals, who have left us with unanswered questions and no where to search for answers.
Now we can get these answers and much more. At the beckoning of Imam W. Deem Mohammed, a group of in-house scholars, researchers and writers, known as the Islamic History Project Group, chronicled this history, in an attempt to set the record straight and dismiss many of the misconceptions that are still prevalent among the general populace.
So treat yourself. Free yourself. Read this book.
Each and every one of us has an inherent thirst for knowledge. We as a people have a particular thirst for knowledge of self. Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s call for Muslim African American Community members to produce well crafted books on subjects such as the community’s history and Islamic studies and The Islamic History Project Group’s response to that call is a blessing to us all.
To obtain your copy of "A History of Muslim African Americans" contact Nathaniel Hasan, Harrisburg Majid, 200 S. 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104, (717) 232-4540, email njhasan@comcast.net or