Myrikal during Black Music Month
by Van Stone vspfoundation@yahoo.com (215) 747-8746
Myrikal’s "Myrikal is Fire…" is easily one of positive families favorite hip-hop CD of 2007 thus far, underground or mainstream, and is a masterpiece of youth, maturity and constructive proportions. Every track on her CD is Hot; every verse is believable; every song is both empowering and upbeat significant. Myrikal is Black Music Month meaningful encouraging hip-hop and soul. Can this teen be Hip-Hop of the Year?
With "Myrikal is Fire…" Myrikal, the fourteen year-old from West Philly, offers a wide four tracks sound that serve to dream, inspire and jam-you while all offering something unique to the listener. Tracks like “Myrikal is Fire,” and suggestion beats about Through the Rhythm and Rhymes, Self-esteem and I’m the One are realism songs that deliver people to freedom from negative situations. Myrikal’s tracks grab the listener’s attention with a firsthand account of events and real life soul blend with hip-hop for young women.
Myrikal began her career as a rapper at age 10 with a program called R.A.R.E. She has performed numerous places with them. But Myrikal’s career took off to a solo artist. She writes her own lyrics. Myrikal is also an actress and model. In January of 2007 Myrikal competed in a national competition, AMTC Modeling and Talent Competition 2007. She won 2nd place in the singer/song writer competition, and 1st place in the creative runway competition. The clean spoken and educated youngster worked with nine hundred twenty six other contestants. “Myrikal is Fire”, deserves a hand and all the support at www.myrikal.com or www.frontpagenews.us. Kids that seek good last.