In the Second Row, Second from the right is Mr. Raymond Ward, Director of Philadelphia Town Watch Ranger; included are the Revised Town Watch Department supporting 52nd St. in West Philadelphia and a few of its volunteer members. The Rangers will target the 52nd and Market St. corner that has been lately a deadly shooting hotspot.
52nd St. Town Watch Ranger Re-advance Stop & Frisk
by Van Stone vspfoundation@yahoo.com (215) 747-8746
52nd St. Town Watch Ranger Re-advance Stop & Frisk
by Van Stone vspfoundation@yahoo.com (215) 747-8746
Today, because of history secular courts have set themselves up to be basically defenseless against organized religion and organized police no matter what they call themselves. Certain leaders of the church and police departments are aware that even the Supreme Court has no power to review church decisions to sell pamphlets or police decisions to confiscated sell guns. Observing the situation, this is why victims in the 1800's attempted to stop criminals from making the law into their own. Both civilian town watch and law enforcement partnered together to stop and frisk the criminals from abusing other’s rights.
Yes, white or Black, some even fought with their lives, if they had to, against the corrupt governmental authorities and won. This was the case during John Brown’s and Frederick Douglas time. Today in West Philadelphia area the 52nd Street Town Watch and local Police Clergy are helping the neighborhood to revise an advanced patrolling unit. This time it will be an actual department called the Town Watch Ranger. Just as the Park Ranger patrols the parks and help local police to fight crime the Town Watch Ranger will patrol both the parks and streets to reduce gun-violence and drugs. In the past, Brown, a white man, with fewer than fifty men, attacked the U.S. arsenal in Harpers Ferry launching an attack on Virginia slave-holders. Gun-violence then meant slavery. Brown and Douglas invented a sort of Stop and Frisk then that helped slow down crime. What about today?
Recently, many are concerned about Stop and Frisk. People who feel they don’t trust or understand Stop and Frisk are encouraged to work with local town watch and police. Mr. Raymond Ward has reorganized town watch that has a well experienced police radio patrol to help fight crime and see to it that Stop and Frisk is a success. Mr. Ward has long established one of the most sound town watch services in the West Philly neighborhoods. Ward, now in his seventies, developed bike, foot and radio town watch along 52nd street that was so authorized that shootings and muggings and nuisances were a minimum.
Mr. Ward reminds me of men like Douglas and Brown who worked together against mean spirited judges and police that stood by and did nothing to assist the Black or white victims of crime. Good unity is Power.
Mr. Ward realized early that certain judges and lawmen supported gun-murder and gun-mayhem as long as it didn’t happen in their own communities. Today the moral urgency to assist our neighbors is great. Upper Darby, Delaware County is just 5 minute drive away from Mr. Ward's 52nd Street neighborhood. Mr. Ward promises that the Town Watch Ranger is needed to assure the West Philly community that no Philadelphia police will sell guns to gun shops as the Upper Darby Police have done. The Town Watch Ranger is a group diversified amongst Americans that are Indian, Black and White. Mr. Ward wants to support Stop and Frisk if it can allow Philadelphia to confront police department heads that have confiscated guns and then sold them to gun shops. Should Cops that resell illegal guns should be handcuffed and then thrown into prison? The new Town Watch Ranger can replace the shortage of police in any town or city when cops go bad. We welcome any patrol that will stay alert.