Above: Courtfighter Symbol &
Motto, "Court cases don't kill
people unfair Judges do".
The Dragon is holding court.
The following is an official complaint filed with the Philadelphia, PA, NAACP located in North Philadelphia.
Media Courthouse Common Pleas Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, Judge Barry C. Dozor, and Judge Michael F.X. Coll -Judges being in cohorts with one another, have been prejudicial, discriminative, racially-bias, gender-bias, conspirators, oppressors, and hostile toward me. Both Judges improperly used their secretary and other resources of their judicial office to help them manage their cheating me of my liberties. Orders have been issued to me illegally to prevent me from entering my marital home, to take away my parental rights, to take away my civil rights, to arrest and imprison me at the county prison, and to force me to sign over the deed of my marital property. Both Judges have made comments that had racial or class overtones. The Delaware County Sheriff’s Department, Master Florence Wright, the Media Courthouse, and two of the Media Courthouse Administrators and the Borough of Media being in cohorts with one another, have cheated me out of my freedom, and also have been prejudicial, discriminative, racially-bias, gender-bias, oppressive, and hostile toward me because I am a black male.
Philadelphia Courthouse Common Pleas Judge Joel Johnson has cheated me out of my freedom, and also has been prejudicial, discriminative, gender-bias, oppressive, and hostile toward me because I am a black male. Judge Joel Johnson jailed me wrongfully.
Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick personally indicated in fraudulent Court Orders called Protection From Abuse Order Extension (PFAE) that I was a “criminal” and ordered years of eviction from my home, cheating me out of my personal freedom. I was faced with the possibility of up to six (6) months of imprisonment due to so-called criminal behaviors in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Judge Fitzpatrick then signed a PFAE on November 30, 2006 for another three (3) years against me, totaling six (6) years. On December 10, 2009 the phony court order expired.
Judge Fitzpatrick detached her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, from an August 1, 2008 appeal to Common Pleas Judges so that she could take away my marital property from me, cheat me, and personally gain from doing that.
The Media Courthouse Administrator(s) followed Judges Maureen Fitzpatrick and Barry Dozor, and Master Florence Wright’s Order issued to have me illegally evicted from my marital home and to take my name off the deed to my home. Furthermore, they ordered to dissolve my Custody Rights, to take away my Civil Rights, and to arrest and imprison me at the county prison.
Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick made racial, bias, prejudice, and discriminative remarks after she became disturbed about finding out that I had planned to appeal her October 7, 2004 decision, docket 03-007727, to imprison me. Judge Fitzpatrick’s remarks, “I want that nigger’s ass in jail,” were reported to me by my attorney, Robert B. George, Esquire, Diorio & Sereni LLP, Front & Plum Streets. My attorney was inquiring about my chances of appealing Judge Fitzpatrick’s October 7, 2004 decision to imprison me at Delaware County Prison.
Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick misrepresented facts and denied me due process to testify at a Protection From Abuse (PFA) trial on October 7, 2004. Judge Fitzpatrick racially-conspired with Judge Dozor and made her own interpretations of my personal business letters presented to her by her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, and then ordered me to shut up when it was my turn to provide testimony on my behalf.
On September 27, 2004 Judge Barry Dozor racially-bias conspired from his chambers with Master Florence Wright and ordered me handcuffed and detained by the Delaware County Courthouse Sherriffs after my appearance for a trial De Novo where I was challenging Master Wrights’ Orders of May 7, 2004 and October 20, 2003. Judge Barry Dozor, however, in violation of the Civil Rules of Procedure decided to hold an unscheduled Custody Trial. This Order was not filed, docketed or otherwise made a part of any official record, cheated me and violated my rights.
The Delaware County Sheriff Department racially/bias conspired with Judge Barry Dozor and carried out Judge Barry Dozor’s Order to handcuff me and finally transport me from the Delaware County Sheriff Detaining Cell to the Yeadon Pennsylvania Courthouse. The Order was not filed, docketed or otherwise made a part of any official record, cheated me and thereby violating my Civil Rights.
Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick maliciously tampered with and falsified court records, switched court dockets, and violated double jeopardy laws.
On December 28, 2009 the Office of Court Clerk Services Media Delaware County Courthouse verified that Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick altered docket number 04-5755 and switched it to 03-007727.
On December 28, 2009 the Office of Court Clerk Services in Media Delaware County Courthouse provided proof to me that Protection From Abuse (PFA) order 03-007727 (Marcia Brown as Plaintiff and myself, Samuel Downing, as defendant) expired against me on April 1, 2004. Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, however, has maliciously and fraudulently continued to send me notifications over the past five years and up through December 2009 that PFA order docketed 03-007727 was active and in full force.
On May 3, 2004 after suffering continued attacks and assaults against myself I filed for a PFA Order against Marcia Downing and was assigned docket 04-5755 signed by Judge Chad F. Kenny. Judge Kenny scheduled my hearing for May 6, 2004 and clearly marked me as the “plaintiff” on the complaint with docket 04-5755.
On May 6, 2004 at the PFA hearing where myself (Plaintiff), my witness, and Marcia Brown (Defendant) appeared, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick never addressed docket 04-5755, instead she refused to let me nor my witness testify and she continued the hearing to June 10, 2004. While processing the paperwork for the continuance, unbeknowest to myself, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick violated double jeopardy laws and resurrected an expired docket 03-007727 by altering and switching the docket number from 04-5755 to the expired docket 03-007727. In doing this, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick also altered and switched the complaining party from myself to Marcia Brown, making her the Plaintiff and subsequently listing me as the Defendant. On June 10, 2004 Judge Coll continued to violate double jeopardy laws and issued a PFA order against me for eighteen months. On June 10, 2005 Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick without incident nor service continued her violation of double jeopardy laws, criminal codes, and civil laws and extended the PFA order for another eighteen months. On November 30, 2006, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick without incident nor service again extended this PFA Order for another three years – set to expire on December 10, 2009.
In Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick’s continued and committed friendship with Marcia Brown, without fear or any regard to the court proceedings, civil rules of procedure, the law, or my constitutional rights altered evidence with the intent to impede, obstruct, and distort justice, influence decisions and intentionally schemed to inflict cruel and unusual punishment against myself.
This PFA order maliciously and intentionally altered from 04-5755 to 03-007727 and documented to run from 2004 through December 10, 2009 illegally affected the possession of my marital home and the custody of my two children, Cheyenne Downing and Samson Downing.
Judge Dozor made racial, bias, prejudicial, and discriminative remarks after he became disturbed about my then attorney’s, Patricia O’Neal, opinion about his July 31, 2003 decision, docket 03-007727, to grant Marcia Brown a PFA against me. Judge Dozor’s remarks, “You know how those black guys are. Trust me, I know this black guy,” were reported to me by Patricia O’Neal, Esquire. She opined that Judge Dozor had broken the law when he made the July 31, 2003 decision to issue a PFA Order to have me evicted from the house I own in Delaware County.
Although these actions have and are still happening over the past five (5) years, they began in 2003 and are still current and in full effect in 2008. Both Judges have a reputation of being hostile toward minorities. There is a racial, class, discriminative, bias, and prejudicial trend residing in the Media Courthouse, Judges, and the City of Media Delaware County who make a practice of cheating and being hostile toward black males and other minorities.
On December 22, 2008, although there was no PFA on record or in the file, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, Media District Court Judge, Delaware County, improper “Stay Away Order,” No. 03-007727) known as “Protection Order” in a prejudicial and bias act for her associate/co-worker, Judge Barry C. Dozor, and her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, issued to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing was challenged and wasn’t addressed and remains in effect.
On October 23, 2008 due to the discovery that Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, issued an improper “Stay Away Order,” in a prejudicial and bias act for her associate/co-worker, Judge Barry C. Dozor, and her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing, Judge Fitzpatrick was challenged on the improper PFA Order and she then recused herself and left the false PFA to remain current. The Order was never made part of any official record and therefore the Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) mailed to me in November 2006 was improper.
On September 18, 2008, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, Media District Court Judge, Delaware County, for her personal benefit, assigned an improper “scheduled pre-trial for Equitable Distribution” (No. 03-6372) for her Chambers in a prejudicial and bias act for her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing. Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick abruptly withdrew from the pre-trial that was scheduled for September 18, 2008, without any documented explanation.
In August 2008, the office of the Court Clerk Services Media Delaware County Courthouse certified a true and correct copy from the record that no such proof of services for the November 2006 and May 2005 PFA Orders was ever filed with the court to proceed on a hearing for Brown, Marcia v. Downing, Samuel. These Orders cheated me out of my personal freedom.
On August 7, 2008, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, Media District Court Judge, Delaware County, for her personal benefit, assigned an improper “scheduled hearing for Equitable Distribution” for her Chambers in a prejudicial and bias act for her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing. The hearing was never made part of any official procedural record.
On July 17, 2008, Hearing Officer Donald Lehrkinder, Esquire, issued an improper “Equitable Distribution Order,” in a prejudicial and bias act for his associate/co-worker, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick, and her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing. The Order was never made part of any official record.
In December of 2006 I received an Order that indicated that I had most recently conducted abusive activity (stalking, threats, attempts to enter the marital property, etc.) toward Marcia Brown. Marcia told her acquaintance, Judge Fitzpatrick, (based on her own testimony without my presence) that I had made most recent unwanted verbal and physical contact with her.
On November 30, 2006 Judge Fitzpatrick issued an improper “Stay Away Order,” known as “Protection Order” in a prejudicial and bias act for her associate/co-worker, Judge Barry C. Dozor, and her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing. The Order was never made part of any official record and was not issued in connection with any pending criminal matter and or abuse matter because there was “No Proof of Service” and there was “No Hearing.” This Order extended the PFA for three (3) years. This Order cheated me out of my personal freedom.
On May 26, 2005, Judge Fitzpatrick issued an improper “Stay Away Order,” known as “Protection Order” in her chambers with Judge Barry C. Dozor and Marcia Brown’s participation. The Order was never filed, docketed or otherwise made a part of any official record, and was not issued in connection with any pending criminal matter and or abuse matter because there was “No Proof of Service” and there was “No Hearing.” This Order extended the PFA for eighteen (18) months. This Order cheated me out of my personal freedom.
On October 7, 2004 Judge Fitzpatrick, with Judge Barry C. Dozor’s participation, issued a “Stay Away Order,” Superseding any prior PFA Order (Judge Dozor issued July 31, 2003) against me for an additional eight (8) months. This PFA Order illegally joined in the Custody Order which is still in effect today, 2008. (see Oct. 1, 2004 Custody Order 03-06372) (see Oct. 7, 2004 PFA Order 03-007727).
In June 2004 Judge Coll signed the PFA Order to extend it for an additional twelve (12) months.
On May 6, 2004 at the PFA hearing where myself (Plaintiff), my witness, and Marcia Brown (Defendant) appeared, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick never addressed docket 04-5755, instead she refused to let me nor my witness testify and she continued the hearing to June 10, 2004. While processing the paperwork for the continuance, unbeknowest to myself, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick violated double jeopardy laws and resurrected an expired docket 03-007727 by altering and switching the docket number from 04-5755 to the expired docket 03-007727. In doing this, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick also altered and switched the complaining party from myself to Marcia Brown, making her the Plaintiff and subsequently listing me as the Defendant.
May 7, 2004 Master Florence Wright issued an improper “Custody Order,” known as “Sole Custody” in a prejudicial and bias act for her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing after being challenged about the October 20, 2003 Order. This Order again was never made part of any proper record. This Order cheated me out of my parental freedom.
On October 20, 2003 Master Florence Wright issued an improper “Stay Away Order,” known as “Protection Order” and “Custody Order,” known as “Sole Custody” in a prejudicial and bias act for her acquaintance, Marcia Brown, to myself, Samuel Van Stone Downing. The Order was never made part of any proper record. This Order cheated me out of my parental freedom.
In July 2003, the original docket 03-007727, Judge Barry C. Dozor issued a “Stay Away Order” against me for Marcia Brown for twelve (12) months. I was ordered in July 2003 by Judge Barry C. Dozor to stay away (eviction) from the marital property, located at 509 Pembroke Ave. E. Lansdowne, PA, and to stay away (no visitation) from my two (2) children from the marriage.
The statute of limitations for any Protection From Abuse Order (PFA) is three (3) years.
The Statute of Limitations for a Protection From Abuse Order is three (3) years. Although, all of the above Court proceedings have happened throughout the past five (5) years, they are still current in 2008. *Today, as of December 10, 2009 the Order has expired.
The PFA Order of Judge Fitzpatrick on October 7, 2004 illegally supersedes and joins in the Custody Order, of Barry C. Dozor’s on October 1, 2004 and is still in effect in 2008, today.
The December 22, 2008 hearing where Judge Fitzpatrick’s extended PFA Order was challenged to Vacate, Media Courthouse evaded my challenge and issued a new pending hearing date while leaving the illegal Order in force today in 2009 without first filing, being on record, and getting Media Courthouse approval. Therefore, the racial bias-conspiracy, gender bias-conspiracy, oppression, and cheating initiated in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2008, (2009) is still occurring.
The October 7, 2004 Order where Judge Fitzpatrick extended the PFA Order and illegally superseded (she checked off “physical custody” on the PFA Order) the October 1, 2004 Custody Order of Judge Barry C. Dozor of which both are in force today in 2009 without first filing, being on record, and getting Media Courthouse approval. Therefore, the racial bias-conspiracy, gender bias-conspiracy, oppression, and cheating initiated in 2003, 2004, and 2008, 2009 is still occurring.
The September 27, 2004 hearing where Master Wrights’ Orders of May 7, 2004 and October 20, 2003 was being challenged by myself with a Trial De Novo, Media Courthouse evaded my challenge. Instead Judge Barry Dozor lied, racially-bias conspired from his chambers with Master Florence Wright and decided to hold an unscheduled Custody Trial and issued a new illegal Custody Order which is in force today in 2009 without first filing, being on record, and getting Media Courthouse approval. Therefore, the racial bias-conspiracy, gender bias-conspiracy, oppression, and cheating initiated in 2003, 2004, 2008, and 2009 is still occurring.
On October 13, 2004, docket No 009714087, Judge Joel Johnson, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas jailed me wrongfully. Judge Joel Johnson sentenced me to ninety days incarceration. Although I was paying child support Judge Joel Johnson jailed me wrongfully in support of Marcia Brown. Sentence suspended on condition I pays $600.00 toward arrears.
On November 14, 2007, docket No 009714087 Judge Joel Johnson, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas jailed me wrongfully. Judge Joel Johnson sentenced me to thirty days incarceration. Although I was paying child support Judge Joel Johnson jailed me wrongfully in support of Marcia Brown. I may purged myself upon payment of $700.00 towards arrears. In both court cases involving Judge Joel Johnson, Marcia Brown, Judge Maureen Fitzpatrick contacted Judge Joel Johnson to wrongfully imprison me based on the ongoing Media Delaware County phony PFA Order conspired by Judges Maureen Fitzpatrick, Barry C. Dozor, and Michael F.X. Coll.