Warren Bloom, candidate for State Rep.
195th Legislative District.
For Immediate Release: All Media February 6, 2010
Publicist Warren "Fuzzy" Bloom Sr. throws his hat into the ring for State Rep. In the 195th. For the Spring Primary Tuesday May 18th, 2010.
I think it's time for me to answer the call of so many of my constituents and supporters to take on the challenge of this monumental opportunity and to bring in a fresh breath of air to this fine district. "Bloom in the Spring Do the Right Thing." will be the campaign slogan for the fifty year old Christian Minister and democrat from the sixth ward fifth division of Mill Creek. Bloom served as democratic committee person for 16 and a half years in the 11 ward 11 div. In North Central Philly under Ward leader Al Steward. Moved back into this district in 2001.
After an unsuccessful bid for City Commissioner in 2003 and 07 Bloom received over 12,000 votes that placed his name out their for a future contender in Philadelphia politics. "My current focus will be to 1. Fight to unite racially divided communities and aid in rebuilding the moral fabric of our families, and help low-income people who are participating in but not abusing the "Welfare To Workforces". That includes child Services Programs and companies that assist working parents who need assistance with partial payment help for Daycare Provider Fees. Increase the infant mortality in the district. For more info: visit www.mrwarrenbloom.com for full platform proposal. "I believe that the four qualifications for public office should be 1.Credibility = RELIABILITY 2. Accountability = RESPONSIBILITY 3. Integrity = MORAL CHARACTER 4 .Openness = HONESTY. Change is the only Constant In Life But change is only good when it is change for growth. Because we all have room for improvement "Bloom: with your help we can bring the Progress needed in this district. And continue to build on the work of Senior State Rep. Frank Oliver.