[TheThoughtsofBlkMenfamily] JOIN TBM ON MARCH 2 2009 WITH SPECIAL GUEST- Dr. CORNEL WEST!!!
Your invited to join Tee & The Thoughts Of Black Men- www.thetbm.org
As we set the example of "UNITY" and family structure. There are many who are losing there jobs, facing family separation, and issues we don't how to deal with.
And we are thinking that we can do by our self, we are thinking that the drugs and alcohol is our pain reliever, BUT WE ARE HURTING, WE ARE SUFFERING, and we are LOSTTTTT!!! Why, because we have false information, we have the lack of knowledge, and WE ARE NOT COVERED IN LOVEEEEEEEE!!! So therefore you have no DIRECTION!!
So the cycle REPEATS!!, it REPRODUCE'S and it grows into the next generation. Which leaves us in a state where we are NOT PREPARED!!! Because of the traditional DECISIONS WE HAVE MADE!! Which filled our plate with LEFTED OVER CHOICE'SSSS!!
So the results has us in BONDAGE!!! Why because we refused to LISTEN, we refuse to CHANGEEEEEEE, and, and, AND WE DON'T HAVE UNDERSTANDING TO KNOW IN WHOM WE REALLY AREEEEEEE!!!
Now there MUST BE A TRANSFORMATION, there MUST BE A CHANGE!!! To get an understanding, to have TRUST RESTORED, to for fill the purpose to LOVE AGAIN, to know the importance of direction to your DESTINY THAT AWAITS FOR YOUR ARRIVAL!!! That GOD PROMISED USSSSS!!!
Now to get your attention to understand that your LOVED, your CARED ABOUT!!! God opens the door and gives us "OBAMA", and he planted a seed called "The Thoughts Of Black Men" to feed a NATION THAT IS HUNGRY for guidance to wisdom, to lead his PEOPLE OUTTTTTTT!!!!!
And he choose's and use's a vessel like Bro "Tee", as an example of the vision- and God gives bro "Tee" FAVORRRRRRR!!! And God instructs Bro "Tee" to be planed in right seated place's to deliver the light to the path way OUTTT!!! To give his people the BEST!!!
For we are honored and we thank God for the opportunity to have
"The one and Only Dr. Cornel West"-
Join TBM World Wide Family Conference Call
(218)-486-1300..Pin 844292
March 2 2009 at 9PM.
Dr. Cornel West will be teaching to impart knowledge into the lives of many.
We will be looking forward in meeting you.