Above: In response to the escalating violence in Philadelphia...we are pleased to announce the formation of the "Citywide Elders Council." Fair resolutions and peaceful outcomes is the Council's duty when the 24-7 hotline number (267) 228-7574 is called. The artwork displaying "Roger Robbie", the mascot character promoting "Stop the Killing" in Philly is an example of what Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell has been using to war against the U. of Penn District dealings with X Park. Roger Robbie is a symbol of both Blackwell's and the Elders Council's care for kids.
Jannie Blackwell the War Rose; Elders Council
by Van Stone vspfoundation@yahoo.com (215) 747-8746A Rose is Red not white. When you print out a non-color copy of a rose it is Black not white. A Red rose or Black rose, according to any person I know well, belongs to a person as a right. If a Rose is a right then a rose must also be heritage. Freedom is a priceless heritage. Therefore, I see white, red and black roses pushing up in Malcolm X Park, West Philadelphia, located at 51st to 52nd and Pine Street. And most recently in the news is a heroic tale about Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell’s war against the University City of Pennsylvania District. The U. of Penn District doesn’t see roses in the X Park. U. of Penn sees dollars out of reach. If you the reader haven’t heard about such a war here’s a very important reminder. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell has personally gotten involved with the improvement process of the Malcolm X Park, West Philly, because it is known for containing roses. The roses in my own and Blackwell’s meaning herein is children. Children ages 17 years-old and younger, ethnically white or black or children following certain ethics good or bad are meeting at Malcolm X Park in an attempt to free themselves from Philadelphia struggles in the Councilwoman Blackwell’s District. Yup!But during Blackwell’s struggle to end all vice in the Malcolm X Park, using her very limited funding and positive interested community-volunteer workers, the University City of Penn District suddenly attacked the X park attempting to fire one of it’s Penn staff for supporting Blackwell’s noble efforts. Penn’s excuse for struggling with Blackwell’s X Park was non-profit efforts got mixed with political business in an X Park event.But everyone knowing about politics and non-profit events in the park understands that the Park Authority has jurisdiction over all park activity in Philadelphia. The Dept. of Rec. manages the permits to do activities benefiting children in a city park. And most parks have an honorary President of groups that overseer maintaining clean and safe park.Yet still, the Park Authority, Dept. of Rec., nor the President of the Park Group has little police empowerment to stop vice in their parks such as smoking marijuana blunts and drug sells leaving the children roses practically defenseless. Meanwhile, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell the war rose, not only has the empowerment from the people of Philly in her district to end vice in parks she has complete intentions to use city legislation to develop better education, schools, and public safety for children. Blackwell, a strong believer in higher education companies, like say college universities, ethically considered using colleges in her district to help develop better education, schooling, public safety and rec. centers annexed in the X Park. But the U. of Penn District crushed contented roses in the X Park during Blackwell’s rally. Blackwell quickly responded by appointing a Mr. John Fenton as Director of Community Activity. Blackwell is once again focusing the X Park, the Sayre Morris Rec. Center, 58th and Spruce St., and the Huey Elementary located directly across the street from the X Park. The way I see it, this war against vice is a war too against the U. of Penn District. Vice leads to killing. Killing? It Must Stop!"Cultural Genocide," as stated by a State Senator form Western Pennsylvania, is the reason murder is a daily occurrence in Philly, not handguns and rifles. The "Citywide Elders Council," a group of ex-gang leaders and present community activists that have maintained a high level of doing something about kids out in the streets in Philly are re-emergence violence mediation and conflict resolution. They are available "24-7" to prevent or mediate arguments and disputes that might lead to violence. A 24-hour hotline (267) 228-7574 will be monitored to respond to calls for intervention/mediation.