Van Stone is the next Willie Weber and Gene London TV-DJ at Front Page News
by James Sullivan sullivancoach@yahoo.com
If you are between the ages of 60 and 35 you just might recall the Willie Weber Show and the Gene London Show. Both shows had real life host that talked to kids and DJ cartoons on TV in a hour or half hour long after school hours and or Saturday morning hours program. Watching cartoons and the TV-DJ was very fun and safe for children and youth. At Front Page News, the Online newspaper that keeps readers up to date about hot community topics that most likely wont be written about in big time corporate news media and press, Cartoonist and Comic Strip creator, Van Stone, introduces access to kids popular and unknown visual arts. Parents can send their own kids to the room where ever the computer is hooked to the Internet and feel comfortable that young ones have logged on to www.frontpagenews.us. Computers are great because no matter what the weather is, computers and kids and parents can always be together. Seniors can join in the fun and learn just what makes kids love sitting at the computer. No TV? Go to TV-DJ Van Stone’s Front Page News and click on to kids popular cartoon stuff like Cartoon Network, Nick, Disney, Safety4Kids, among others. The 45 year-old Stone is a big Kid.
The Internet offers a world of opportunity for children. Your guidance and involvement are essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding online experience. Your efforts to instill responsible information practices will help steer your children to age-appropriate activity at the Front Page News, and will go a long way toward ensuring that your children have enriching online experiences.