Canary Lois Gary, a history of women's excellence
Canary Lois Gary & Women’s History;
Jim Royal wants to fix Public Schools
by Van Stone www.frontpagenews.us (215) 747-8746
This is still Women’s History Month. This week’s column will be the first during our saluting Women’s History for the month of March. Some say, save the best first. And so we go. Once lived a Beautiful Flower, Canary Lois Gary, born August 2, 1920, her entrance sweet. Her life helpful, her impact eternal. On September 16, 2006 the morning train was headed to Philadelphia, PA with the Angel of Love who were sent by God. ‘Go to 646 N. Union Street to escort a precious flower safety home. She’s a beautiful flower who needs my heavenly love and soil, because her petals are beginning to dry out and she needs to be nourished to make her stronger for my garden’, the Voice behind the Face said. The angels asked, ‘what’s her name, my Lord.’ The Gardener, who is the Voice behind the Face then responded, ‘Canary Lois Gary is her name,’ he said. Gary, who died September 16, 2006, was a beloved mom and super grandma and great-great grandmother. So the angel said, ‘you’re talking about John Ike’s wife.’ The Gardener says, ‘Yes. She made a quick and powerful impact from the day she was born. And now bring her into Eternal Rest.’ So they took our dear Canary.
Lois Gary was one of five children of the late Reverend Will D. and Geneva (Bogar) Davis in Charlotte, North Carolina. Considered by most a true Saint of God with a sweet, sweet spirit, Canary accepted the Lord at an early age. In time she then met and married her sweetheart John Ike Gary Sr. It’s said that Ike swept Canary off her feet and they relocated from North Carolina to Philadelphia, PA. The Gary’s soon became members of the Sloan St. Church, formally known as the Westside Church of God. History is anew.
As life progressed Canary and John soon became the founding members of the Community Church of God under the leadership of the late Rev. Thomas P. Delaine and the late Rev. Allen Mack for over 60 years. Canary’s faithfulness of service to the Lord was singing on the Sanctuary Choir, becoming a Deaconess, and an official in the Women of the Church of God (WCG). Her life story and work for the Lord was also instilled into the neighbors and her community abroad Philly because Gary was a Block Captain and a Home and School Association member at Belmont Elementary School, 39th and Brown St., in West Philadelphia. Many can remember Gary helping take the lead in the up-keep of empty lots. Gary, using her gardening skills, created beautiful urban gardens where most thought that nothing good could come from trash and wine bottle filled land where drinkers once lay. Canary Gary received a Citation from City Council and Edward Rendell, Governor of PA. Gary was recognized as Great Role Model Senior Citizen. Gary worked with The Women of H.O.P.E and was recognized for her march with Mantua Against Drugs (M.A.D.) and an active member of the "Golden Angles" seniors at the Haverford Center 53rd and Haverford Ave., West Philly. Endearing indeed.
The Beautiful Flower Gary, as her dearest friends sometimes called her, leaves a legacy of Love to her 9 surviving children, her 24 grandchildren, her 49 great grands, her 19 great-great grands, her brother the Rev. John D. Davis of Virginia, 3 sister-in-laws, all of Charlotte N. C., 4 daugher-in-laws, 2 son-in-laws, both special, a nephew and niece Marvin and Lula Blair, and a cousin Kathryn Faucet who was Gary’s singing partner and a host of cousins, nephews and nieces, neighbors and friends.
In response to my recent poll weeks ago Jim Royal, Democratic Candidate for 5th District Councilman of Philadelphia explained how he thinks the growing School District’s budget nightmare may be put to rest. "A parental Governance of Schools now. Parents must define partnership with the school system. Part of Royal’s educational reform platform is the proposal of bring educational system from under both the state back and the city-board of education without parental governance," says Royal. "I am further advocating re-implementation of vocational skills how students and parents can learn consumer or employees stock ownership and hydrogen power into the school curriculum."
I believe that our students should begin to learn about neighborhood-owned credit unions now. This is simply competition of media marketing helping small business in our community now," Jim said. Mr. Royal’s platforms works well with the Green Machine, a political support group to the Green Party of the U.S. that too want to reinstate the safety program to teach children to serve and protect the environment. According to Royal, this philosophy worked for generations in the state of Texas and can work here in the state of PA. As far as we know, there is one such company, a gas station, that is using hydrogen power to help the community remain healthy. Lets see how long it takes to establish both Green and Democratic environmental changes in Philly based on the ’07 election. (Baittank and James Sullivan at www.frontpagenews.us contributed to this article).