by Van Stone
(215) 747-8746
(215) 747-8746
It's true, in the political realms of candidate for Philly mayor no one has heard of Dr. Kerry A. Foster. In fact in these realms no one has heard of a Bishop running for anything political. Yes! Dr. Foster is a Bishop. Most Churches teach that separation between church and state means that politics is not allowed in the church, any church. Well, since the highest position in the church is the seat of Bishop it seems that one just as well attains the highest position in the city, the seat of Mayor. Hey, don't blame me. Joseph did it. Biblical Joseph was both Bishop and mayor of Egypt. And his eldest brothers were very jealous of this. So, with the newest chapter in the race for Philly mayor I give you 1 liberal-minded ordained minister in the mist of the battle to be the One. Some tell me that in the church the highest seat of authority is not the Bishop but the Apostle. But since Dr. Foster is a professed Christian, we're not gonna talk church here but just what does Dr. Foster propose to do if he's chosen by the people to be mayor. Dr. Foster proposes to work very close with what city council has already established in creating more pubic safety measures. He will push to give Philly police the right to conduct gun searches in homes citywide without a search warrant, but the homes must be designated to be in no gun zones. He will push to create no gun zones, which means unless you have a registered gun on your person or keep a limited amount of firearms in your home police may not only confiscate the guns but also hall you in to the police station. Foster will ask legislation to reduce and limit the amount of bullets sold to customers by gun shops. He also wants to increase more availability for gun ranges to sell bullets so that more shooting may be done at the range and not on the streets. In Philadelphia Foster seeks giving it's power to pass it's own laws on what constitutes child abuse. This means that Dr. Foster wants, in Philadelphia, all persons whose occupation, profession, or spiritual vocation causes them to come into contact with children are required by law, when they have reasonable cause to suspect abuse, to report or cause a report of that abuse to the county child protective services agency and or the local police. He says he is pushing for the member of clergy no exception act in cases of confidential communication. There shall be regardless of circumstances no congregation in the city that may know of child abuse in the congregation and not report it. Foster hopes to place other measures of law in Philly to cover protecting kids and their own rights. He will push for making an illegal gun activity, any, from the seller, the purchasers, and to the shooters an automatic conviction of a child abuse act. And child abuse on ones record will prevent anyone from getting a job in the field of childcare. He will ask city council to push with him for a pay raise for police officers and firefighters. And he will push to end the freeze on ci ty hiring. And he will kill the fee to file an application for city employment. Foster also says he will seek more corporate business for the city that demographics are kids, parents and family fun oriented projects like year round amusement parks, man made beaches, and ecological conservation. And he will define more property-tax relief. Dr. Foster will seek to raise more funds for the city by changing the way family recreation sites are run, supervised and staffed. The mayor should get more personally involved with executive management and contracting of use of recreation department buildings and entertainment buildings. Foster proposes selling more cities buildings to non profits and partnering with non-profits to lease purchase more city owned land. Getting police officers and firefighters a pay raise isn't a bad way to start off as mayor. But I'm sure that the thing folks will like about this candidate's interest, as mayor is what he says next. What will be done if he's elected is create a job increase in the city where it doesn't matter if you have a criminal record or not. To reduce the number of teens who are jobless while in school. Increase the per day, pay rate, of foster parents so that Philadelphia County can be equal to the way other counties serve foster children per diem. Speaking of other county's, get this. In Philadelphia Foster wants to halt all business doing between Philly residents intertwined with family court and Media Courthouse Delaware County Family Court. He opposes contracts with Delaware County Prison holding Philly incarcerated prisoners until Media Courthouse deal with alleged patterns of judicial misconduct against male Philadelphians who end up as unfounded targets of court ordered warrants for arrest for violation of protection from abuse. The supposed victims reside in Delaware County and are granted PFA's against male Philadelphians without the accused being properly served such orders to appear at the Delaware County Courthouse. Del. Co prisons gain from this. And he wants to raise the minimum wage of childcare workers, "is what he'll do," says Foster, as your Philly mayor. Childcare workers work hard before or after school hours. Foster's goal is, in Philly, childcare staff will be viewed as trade workers. Foster,a former Vice Principal, seems to understand the need for childcare workers to be viewed as professional in their own type of work with kids. Today, childcare staff is not considered as having professional work. According to Dr. Foster, these types of jobs will bar none from working and it will help quickly increase the average workers year salary from $17, 000 a year to 45,000 a year. Finally, Foster says he wants to empty the jails of the underemployed, empty the churches of the disappear victims, and empty the homes of parentless children. He has a plan to create jobs for ex offenders, chaplain police encouragers, and foster parents. Foster Parents will be paid to go to the kids who need parents and not just kids being delivered to them for care. How does Foster plan to pay for this? According to him, the city will use a $900 million dollar a year designated fund raised just to cover the 3 issues of employment for ex offenders, church victims and kids who appear to have no parents at home. When asked how do you expect to raise the $900 million, Foster jokingly says, "it's simple, well do what the Jehovah's Witnesses do, borrow the money from them. They pull in an easy $900 million a year and pay no taxes. Why can't this city do it? But not like that." "Somebody is gonna pay some tax but -just do it," he said. "We'll tell folks, the world is about to end. That'll get us the money," he said. But Foster wants to get serious about raising that $900 million by taking back all cars used by city staff. "Even the mayor should drive his own car, if it comes down to doing it to get the money for the poor and underachieving people in Philly," he says. He also says that he wants to help the church clean house of criminals. He wants to do what as mayor? Lets see if Bishop Foster can get maybe two of those things done if he can get that far.