Harrisburg City Council has finally stepped up to the plate and hit a home run for the citizens of Harrisburg . Tuesday night they’ voted 5-2 to override Reeds veto of Bill 36-2006, an Ordinance allowing City Council to make appointments to various boards, commissions and authorities, like the "Harrisburg Authority". Up until now the Harrisburg Authority Board and a "Special Project" Fund has served as a “piggy bank” for Mayor Steve Reed of Harrisburg and like “a penny with a hole in it” for the taxpayers of Harrisburg .
Not only did Council over-ride the Mayor’s veto, they also disapproved the appointment of long time Reed appointee Fred Clark to another term on the Harrisburg Authority Board and appointed three members by their own newly acquired authority.
The Mayor has threatened to sue Council, which is par for the course with Reed. Only this time unlike in 1994, when Reed used his “piggy bank” to drive two women, running a locally owned, legitimate, community based business into bankruptcy. A non-alcoholic beverage distribution company that hired, trained, and paid, unemployed warehouse workers, delivery drivers and salespeople from the community. Paying them competitive salaries, without a Reed "hand out" or government funding, which in itself is a rarity. Just two women one African American, one Puerto Rican, trying to make a difference. According to sources serving on City Council at the time, when then City Solicitor, Judith Schimmel told Reed he didn't have a legal leg to stand on, when he launched his assault on D&E Cooler Company, Reed reportedly said, "Do it anyway, they can't do anything about it."
What goes around comes around. Something can be done about the state of affairs Mayor Reed has put the City of Harrisburg in. On Tuesday night, Harrisburg City Council members, who do have a clue, did exactly what they needed to do. And they hit a home run.
By the way, whose "piggy bank" is Mayor Reed planning on using to sue City Council? Could it be the School Board via the Board of Contol?
For the record, this is not about the Harrisburg Authority not making money, it is making money. It’s what happens to that money after it’s made that has Harrisburg city resident Darnell Williams speaking out.
An Open Letter from Darnell L. Williams:
My fellow Harrisburgers:
I want to thank each one of you who helped me get passed the Harrisburg City Council Legislation below:
Resolution 8-2007 – A Resolution overriding the Mayoral veto of Bill 36-2006, which is an Ordinance amending Section 2-301.3 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Harrisburg, setting forth the appointment procedure for various boards, commissions, and authorities.
The vote was five for the Resolution and two against. Voting against the resolution was Vera White and Wanda D. Williams. The mayor’s veto was overridden.
We have a long road to walk before we get our city back on a good financial footing. Giving City Council the ability to find and put competent and honest people on our boards and commissions are a good first step.
Again thank you for all your help, calling council people, speaking at the City Council Meeting, or just sending them an email. All of it helped to show our leaders that you care and that you are watching. I will be sending you information as events take shape.
Darnell L Williams