The Coats, Haircuts, and Comic Book Project Back To School Drive
When times get honestly tough one of the best ways to help yourself is by participation in giving to others. What you give can be either money, clothes, or how-to-get-help info.
The Coats, Haircuts, and Comic Books Project, created by yours truly Van Stone and key members of the VSP Foundation, Inc., is planning to build another way to help reduce kids getting sick during the fall and winter school year. It should also help reduce youth violence in general in Philadelphia and Delco. The Philadelphia Front Page News volunteers, like John Mosley, will help promote the back-to-school drive kicking off by September 12th.
I’m saying that the project needs many coats for kids who will go to school without a winter coat this school year. The project needs Spidey comics or mags. And I’m also saying that I am hoping to raise the money through your donations. By the way, we have the barbers who know how to cut both male and female hair. And we’re pulling out all stops to a healthy road of recovery. So, if you get in an auto accident and truly don’t know what to do, - Chiropractor-wise or Auto attorney-wise - that is, the least we can do is suggest a dependable chiropractor in case there needs to be a lawsuit.
This year, for the first time, the Phila. Front Page News, www.frontpagenews.us and www.fpnnews.us is seeking donations for grades K to 1 coats, Spiderman comic books, backpacks, $20 gift certificates to Payless Shoes and/or cash to purchase any other items.
The Phila. Front Page News, a nonprofit organization based in Philly, would hope to collect these non-school supplies to distribute during October through Spring. And we would like to set up haircuts with adults and barbers all year long to raise funds to help stop the youth violence. Got a different kind of business? Want to join? Let me know.
The Coats, Haircuts, and Comic Books Project has no money. We are asking you to give because I know that there will be more kids getting to school with no coat, no fresh cut for months after the first week of school, and no reading material of their own.
While the municipalities have mechanisms to deal with sports and food, they don't have the same services for kindergartners who need coats, youth who need their hair groomed, or children who really would rather read a comic book than get into trouble.
Those interested in donating coats can stay tuned to where the coat and comic book drop off will be and what the stop-by times are.
Any adult, man or woman, interested going to our barber for a hairstyle fix for a donation toward our project email me at frontpagenews1@yahoo.com or call (267) 293-9201. And of course if you don’t have a coat or a comic book, and don’t want a cut but just want to donate (cash or check) please let us know and we will tell you how and where to go to give.