Antoinette Cook
Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa, Antoinette Cook identifies herself as an African American community organizer, activist, and emerging youth movement builder.
Her activism began at 15 years old when she spoke out against cuts to youth funding and education in Philadelphia. At 16 she initiated a recycling program at her high school that was adopted by the neighborhood organization Friends of Whitby Avenue.
Antoinette’s involvement in the African American community citywide began in 1994. She got involved with State Senator Hardy William s' mission to improve health for Philadelphians along Baltimore Avenue between 50th and 52nd and Baltimore Avenues where she worked out of an office overseen by Senator Williams. In 1995 she co-chaired the West Philadelphia Young Basketball Players (YWBP) 10-and-under group. She also was the director of Van Stone Productions Foundations (VSP), Inc., youth service activity in the Point Breeze section of South Philadelphia. Although most of her work was done supporting the efforts of the 46th and Haverford Avenue YMCA, during the next few years she worked with parents as their youngsters played basketball from time to time in organized sports at the Christian Street YMCA.
In Sept. 2000, Antoinette spent a great deal of time visiting and making connections in the city. She worked as a volunteer outreach worker participating in the annual AIDS Walk Philadelphia located at the Philadelphia Art Museum. Her focus was on her career goal to organize multiple annual fundraisers for a progressive non-profit known as VSP.
Over the next few years she accepted work at the Community Council for Mental Health and Retardation as the Logistics Manager of the Mental Health Adult Unit. During her first 2 years there she coordinated the annual fundraiser dealing with theater and community services. In 2004, Antoinette also joined the Lee Cultural Center Advisory Council to help promote reduction of teen pregnancy, teen gun violence, and teen school drop outs.
Since June 2005, Antoinette has worked as the Special Events Manager at VSP Foundation overseeing the production of youth broadcasters that account for over 20% of the organization's success with helping females work toward going to college. Her own background as a grassroots organizer has helped her keep setting the example of pursuing college education as she recently graduated in June 2011 from the Online School-University of Phoenix to help the non-profit remain stronger than ever in its mission to assist adults and children citywide.