by Van Stone, Baittank Downing, and Gerald McNeil
vspfoundation@yahoo.com (215) 747-8746
Philadelphia, PA, and MEDIA COURTHOUSE- The Tenth Amendment alleges that powers not given to the federal administration by the Constitution belong to the states or to the people. Amendment number 10 is voiced to keep the federal government from becoming too forceful.-Family Courts must obey too. Protection of rights of ones gender, man or a woman is final.
But not so today. "If you’re a Philadelphian male appearing in Media Courthouse," says John Coleman, "especially a Black man, you cannot speak out against your Judge’s limits without fear of detainment or even possible arrest." In Media, the positive man’s right to challenge is blocked.
More serious allegations are being made by victims of abuse of power that, males are illegally detained or arrested and may be kept in jail at the George Hill Correctional Facility for months without being told why they were detained or arrested. A person spoke on condition of anonymity about alleged ongoing racial and discriminative overtones by 4 Judges and 1 Master presiding at the Media Courthouse, Delaware County.
But the West Philadelphia Jehovah’s Witnesses Presiding Judge Elders are participating in unfairness too, according to the complainers. Both set of Judges are intertwined, publicly, in at least one case of Unfair Conduct. The case is about whether a father of 2, Accused and Judged of Indirect Violation of a Protection From Abuse Order, is really the dirty work of bigots and offenders governing as Justices.
Coleman, Special Investigator, involved within Petitions and Complaints of Community Family Issues,-a Public Watchdog group, is drawing on most recent allegations within the intertwined Media Courthouse District Court Official’s bench and the West Philadelphia Jehovah’s Witnesses Elder’s Bench conducting abusiveness to its members.
New fact findings, uncovered evidence by Coleman, details the bizarre real possibility that certain Media Judges are targeting Philadelphia Black males to jail at the Delaware County Prison. He says that, "the anonymous lead person, a married father, is the primary victim. Dad was actually in the fleeing stage from an abusive relationship with his Jehovah’s Witnesses wife, a Marcia Brown." A person with first hand knowledge of the rocky marriage confirmed to Coleman that, the father with their 2 small children tried to end their marriage and was granted a Temporary Protection From Abuse Order in 2002 by Honorable Judge Barry C. Dozer, Media Courthouse Judge. The Courts can do only what is listed in the rules for the Judicial Branch.
The Dad and Brown are still married. Coleman, citing an unidentified source, reported that the Dad who was also caring for his brothers 2 children was suddenly punished in cruel and/or unusual ways, such as torturing him by both the Media Delaware County Family courts and the West Philadelphia Jehovah’s Witnesses courts. The Bill of Rights protects all Americans from such abuses. It appears that some Officials who preside at the Media Bench are promoting the growth of Sectionalism: They are loyal to sections and not to the whole state. Meanwhile, JW’s judicial officials pass rules to force everyone who is a member to live according to JW’s control.
According to reports and Court records, Judge Dozer, ignored testimony that, together Brown and her attorney, Pauline Manos, Esquire, Philadelphia, abused the dad by directly violating the PFA order, committing fearful acts of: making threats, stealing a weapon. With the stolen 357 magnum, Brown took their children while being prohibited from having any contact with them during the PFA and misrepresented the facts to East Lansdowne Police Department. There Manos and Brown filed a false police report indicating that the dad had made threats to harm Brown, using a stolen gun. "The father is never once implicated" as, "accused of abusing their children, says Coleman. "Not on any legal record," he said. "Only the mom is alleged of child abuse," according to statements made by an unnamed Upper Darby Police Officer. Allegement’s and ongoing strong safety concerns are at the school records.
Brown admitted to all of the above offences of having attacked the father in the presence of their small children using a butcher knife, and verbally abusing the children. She also admitted to Regina Wilson’s involvement, her aunt who is also a Jehovah Witness, by hiding the gun for over 5 days while they (Brown, Wilson, and Manos) hatched out a deadly plan to use the gun against the dad.-The Dad filed for Divorce. But the admittances is on record at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, where according to an unnamed source, Brown confessed to JW’s Judge Elders, John Overton Sr., and George Smith, who presided over the hearing. "This confession was done voluntarily without the presence of the father," says Coleman. "The Jehovah’s Witness Elders, Carmichael and Vernon Brown , evidently told her to use the gun- lie in Media, and say that she was abused by the dad," he said. "No discipline for Brown’s loose conduct," he said.
"We heard first hand the tape," an unknown source said. Evidently a conversation of alleged abuse was taped. "Brown and her aunt were laughing about abusing the kids. They sounded intoxicated. She was yelling at the daughter," an unidentified source said. The aunt is Regina Wilson, West Philadelphia resident. According to sources Brown did not ever admit, to the Judicial Elders, about having a secret affair with her attorney Manos, as the father had accused. "The dad himself accused the wife of having the lesbian affair only to the JW’s Elders-not on court proceeding transcripts," said Coleman. Both judicial tribunal’s concern was more about her being embarrassed by such statements. The criminal acts that the wife, the attorney and aunt were alleged to have committed were ignored. Judge Fitzpatrick sent the Dad back to jail based on the (secret same sex partner relationship) insinuation alone. "We see no violation," Coleman says. Media courts ripped the dad’s children away from him, put him in jail, and additionally misrepresented power by ordering the dad to obtain psychiatric treatment for almost 2 years. "2 Adult Board Certified Psychiatrist disagreed with the Judge’s rulings and authority," he said.
But, according to sources, at one time during the torture, the dad had a good attorney, Pat O’Neal, Esquire. It was during her representation period that Judge Dozer was overheard referring to the dad as, "that black guy." "Trust me, I know about them," says Dozer, when O’Neal startled Judge Dozer about his direct breaking of the Law. O’Neal believed the Judge approved another PFA for the violent Brown against the dad for personal reasons. In September, 2004, Judge Fitzpatrick supported Dozer’s PFA against the dad: sources tell that Fitzpatrick was overheard responding to the dad’s attorney, Robert B. George’s, inquiry about a possible appeal to her decision to imprison the dad again for an Indirect Violation of Brown’s PFA, she said, "I want that N-----‘s ass in jail." "Don’t bother to appeal," Fitzpatrick related through her assistant. Credible? Maybe. The News Council team and myself, the lead Philadelphia Police Clergy, have forwarded this case to the American Civil Liberties Union. This is a Pennsylvanian concern. It affects males in Chester and Darby too, sources say. Email Officer Coleman at chapelfirepolice@yahoo.com if you have a tip about-Media Courthouse or JW’s abuse.