All 4 local ACORN Chapter Presidents, neighbors from the 16th & Catharine St Area, leaders and representatives from the PA ACLU, NAACP, PHRC, MoveOn.org and PA Green Party joined dozens of ACORN members, who came together last night to address council about the overt police incident which terrified a neighborhood at the end of the South Harrisburg Block Party.
The council listened attentively, most times allowing the members to speak past the allotted 1 minute, as the members and supporters talked about what happened, demanded an investigation, and asked for assistance and cooperation from the Harrisburg Police Dept. Neither Chief Kellar nor Captain Ritter attended, but two uniformed police officers were in the audience.
Allison Hill Vice Pres Clarence Totton*, overwhelmed by emotion, broke down in tears as he addressed the council members, and could only finish his thought with, "thank you and keep up the good work".
Media included Fox43, WHP21, and Roxbury News. WHTM-27 and The Patriot News was also there, but did not interview any of the members, although the Patriot did run the story in today’s' paper on page B6. One story is in the paper, but two links to the same story, with two different headlines can be found at their PennLive website:
NEWS VIDEO: Community Leaders Call for Investigation of Police Brutality in Harrisburg, PA
NEWS VIDEO: Community Leaders Call for Investigation of Police Brutality in Harrisburg, PA