Chiropractic Corner this week
by Van Stone and Chiropractic Friends vfrontpagenews@yahoo.com (215) 747-8746
One of the most difficult concepts to get across to the public is the devastating effect of vertebral subluxation (bone out of place in your spine). Chiropractors could show you all kinds of diseases and say vertebral subluxation causes those diseases. But that would not be quite honest. That would be like saying that being a couch potato and not exercising regularly causes heart disease. It is undoubtedly a factor but there are other factors also. No one can possibly say what is the major factor of cause. In addition to that, chiropractors do not want to focus on a negative like disease. Chiropractors would rather be proactive, to talk about getting adjusted regularly to maintain your health and reach your full potential in every area of life. But unfortunately some of us are only motivated by fear, the fear of being sick or dying from some horrible disease. So for that person lets take a minute to talk about how bad this called a vertebral subluxation really is.
When there is a subluxation in your spine, your digestive system will not work at its full potential. Your body cannot produce the exact quantity and quality of chemicals necessary to digest the food that you eat. The food will not be absorbed into your body as it should because the cells involved in absorption are not working as they should because the food is not being broken down properly. Those organs, tissues and cells involved with changing absorbed foods into flesh and blood will not work properly without a good nerve supply. When there is a subluxation in your spine, your immune system is not working, as it should. The organs and cells involved in keeping you resistant to viruses and bacteria are working at less than their potential. When you are subluxated you cannot think as well, your coordination is lessened, energy levels are decreased. A vertebral subluxation literally affects every part of your body because every part of your body in one way or another is dependent upon a properly functioning nerve system. An improperly functioning nerve system can lead to unexpected disability/death.
A vertebral subluxation affects the entire body. In this day and age when there are so many stresses upon the body, chemical, physical, and mental we cannot afford to have an improperly functioning nerve system. We cannot be sure about the quality of the water that we drink or the air that we breathe. We cannot know for sure that our body is getting all the nutrients that we need from our food sources. We cannot help being exposed to microorganisms, many of that are more powerful than ever because of their ability to adapt to attempts to destroy them with drugs. We can do nothing about he genetic weaknesses we inherited from our parents. But by keeping our nerve system free of vertebral subluxation, we can be sure that any potential that we have will be expressed as well as possible. With so many chemicals, toxins and poisons in our food, air, water, not to mention those we purposely put in our bodies because we “enjoy them” we must keep our elimination system working as close to perfect as possible. Subluxation is not good.
The bowels, the kidneys, and other organs of elimination cannot work properly with interference in the nerve system. Hopefully by now you realize how devastating vertebral subluxation is. It may not be the most dramatic negative effect on the body. Surely, getting hit by a truck is worse. But there is probably no other single entity that can have such widespread negative effects on your body. Keep it free of subluxations by seeing your chiropractor regularly. (James Sullivan contributed to this article).